
The 2000 Pezizales project presents a catalog of known taxa belonging to the order Pezizales. It provides nomenclatural notes for each taxon, the diagnosis, color pictures and a distribution map. It is a long-term project but we hope that it will be possible to present the 2000 species of Pezizales known in the world (the estimation of Dictionnary of Fungi, in 2008, was 1683 taxa). Be careful, the items presented here do not represent a monographic work.
You can collaborate on this project by providing photos or collections data. Contact us for any question.


  •  1007 registered species
  •  59.8% of known species
  •  206 represented genera
  •  2706 illustrations


Here is the list of the currently registered taxa: 2000 Pezizales Index


Get information about the genera of Pezizales. Click HERE.

List of integrated species

L’examen, en 2016, d’une récolte aimablement transmise par notre collègue et ami Gilbert Moyne, ressemblant morphologiquement à une espèce du genre Trichophaea Boud., a révélé des caractères originaux pouvant laisser penser à une espèce inédite. En effet, l’examen microscopique a montré une proximité avec Wilcoxina gregaria (Rehm) Van Vooren […]

Vol. 15, fasc. 5

We propose some taxonomic changes related to Pezizales taxa. As for the first part of this series (Van Vooren, 2021), these results come from various works dealing with Pezizales and results of molecular analyses.

Vol. 15, fasc. 5

During a training course organised in June 2023 by in the French Alps, we had the opportunity to collect several interesting discomycetes, including a Sowerbyella species. After our microscopic examination, we were unable to propose a correct name for this collection […]

Vol. 15, fasc. 5

Les facteurs édaphiques, regroupant les propriétés chimiques, physiques et biologiques d’un substrat, conditionnent, avec la phénologie, la croissance des espèces fongiques. Ils sont innombrables et plus ou moins stricts et exigeants selon les espèces. L’espèce que nous présentons ici, récoltée la première fois en Angleterre en 1960 […]

Vol. 15, fasc. 5

Acknowledgements thanks all the following mycologists who kindly shared their photographs: C. Agnello, H. Alli, P. Alvarado, N. Aman, C. Angelini, F. Armada, M. Atzeni, J. Balda, L. Ballester, M. Bemmann, H. Bender, S. Bernhardt, M. Beug, A. Bidaud, R. Blasco, J. Bometon, J.J. Bordallo, N. Bougher, C. Braaten, T. Bulyonkova, A. Büschlen, J. Cabero, R. Cainelli, F. Calaça, P. Cannon, T. Cannon, J.Z. Cao, M. Carbone, M. Castellano, J.M. Castro Marcote, M. Catania, D. Catcheside, P. Cerpa, A. Ceska, R. Chapman, P. Chapon, P. Chautrand, J.-L. Cheype, T.A. Clements, B. Clesse, P. & C. Coach, J.A. Cooper, S. Corral, G. Corriol, R. Dahlheuser, J.-M. Dallois, A. Danilchenko, K. Das, A. Delannoy, M. Delpont, Y. Deneyer, L. Deparis, A. Dirks, P. Döbbeler, I. Dodd, H.H. Doğan, J.-C. Donadini, C. Dooley, R. Dougoud, F. Doveri, G. Dupuy, J. Eckstein, Z. Egertova, V. Escobio, L. Fan, J. Fernández-Vicente, E. Ferrari, A. Février, M. Filippa, L. Flores-Rentería, J. Frank, C. Frund, G. Furci, G. Galeotti, F. Garcia, A. Gardiennet, R. Garibay Orijel, G. Gates, Z.-W. Ge, C. Gelpi, D. Ghyselinck, S. Glejdura, C. Gold, M. González, U. Graf, A. Grobelny, D. Grootmyers, G. Guevara, M. Hairaud, P. Harvey, R. Healy, R. Heidt, N. Heine, S. Heinz, G. Hensel, T. Hirao, M. Höfert, M. Horii, C.L. Hou, J. Hubregtse, M. Illice, S. Jamali, B. Jeannerot, C. Johnson, P.R. Johnston, V. Kaounas, J. Kalichman, C. Kaufholtz-Couture, Y. Kawaguchi, Y. Kawasaki, D. Kelly, M. Klimeš, G. Konstantinidis, L. Kottis, L. Krieglsteiner, R. Kristiansen, I. Krom, B. Kropp, S. Krstic, I. Kušan, M. Kutsuna, S. Kytöharju, M. Lalley, C. Lavoise, R. Lebeuf, H. Lehmann, V. Lekach, H. Lepp, T. Lezzi, T. Li, U. Lindemann, M. Loizides, R. Longnecker, S. Loring, Z. Lukács, R. Markones, R. Martinez, K. Maruyama, N. Matočec, R. McNeil, A. Meléndez, D. Merino, K. Miller, D. Minter, J.-M. Moingeon, A. Mombert, G. Moreno, G. Moyne, K. Mühlebach, R. Negrin, C. Németh, D. Newman, D. O’Halloran, M. Ohmae, I. Olariaga, N. Omerović, N. Oppicelli, T. Orihara, C. Páez, J. Pallante, A. Parker, P.M. Pasaban, R. Pastorino, R. Péan, M. Peiger, M. Pélissier, J.L. Pérez-Butrón, J. Plischke, E. Popov, M. Poulain, J.-P. Priou, P. Püwert, T. Raymundo, M. Reul, M.A. Ribes, P. Ribollet, T. Richter, G. Riner, L.-J. Riousset, O. Roblot, A. Rockefeller, A. Rodríguez, U. Roffler, L. Romero de la Osa, P. Roux, E. Rubio, P. Sáinz, C. Sammut, F. Sanchez, M. Sánchez-Flores, M.A. Sanz, H. Sasaki, D. Savić, T. Sävström, J. Schneider, H. Schubert, C. Schwarz, Y. Shcherbakova, B. Sheehan, P. Silva, E. Skific, M. Slalova, M.E. Smith, M. Sochor, S. Sourell, F. Stevens, E. Stöckli, M. Storey, W. Sturgeon, G. Suárez, M. Sulzbacher, M. Tabarés, P. Tanchaud, M. Tapia, H. Taşkın, R. Tena, M. Trappe, F. Valade, F.J. Valencia, R. Valenzuela, H.-J. van der Kolk, M. Vega, S. Venkateswara, J.M. Vidal, S.P. Wan, Y.-Z. Wang, J. Węcławski, B. Wegen, G. Wong, K.F. Wong, M. Wood, Y.-Y. Xu, K. Yamamoto, Z.-L. Yang, C. Yeates, A. Zambonelli, M. Zeng, Q. Zhao, W.-Y. Zhuang, E. Zimmermann, F.E.-H. Zitouni-Haouar, M. Zugna, P. Zuidland.

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