Fournier J., Ricard V.
Vol. 15 (3) – 13 September 2023
doi: 10.25664/art-0373
Open Access
Abstract: Rosellinia saccardoi is a species that was established based on old material and remained poorly documented. A fresh collection in excellent condition from eastern France is described and illustrated, enabling the observation of microscopic characters that were absent in the old material, namely (1) the presence of bipolar cellular appendages associated with a partial gelatinous sheath present on the dorsal side of the ascospores and at their ends, (2) the shape and dimensions of the apical plugs of the asci. These new characters do not challenge the placement of R. saccardoi within the R. aquila group but change its position with respect to other related species. To follow the recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature 2018 (art. 60.8) and be in agreement with Index Fungorum, the original epithet saccardii is dropped in favour of saccardoi.
Rosellinia De Not. is a xylariaceous genus morphologically and phylogenetically close to Nemania S.F. Gray (Hsieh et al., 2010) from which it mainly differs by uniperitheciate stromata often associated with a basal subiculum spreading over the host surface. It is a diverse and widespread genus, especially in tropical and subtropical regions, but also well represented in northern temperate regions […]