Pseudoplectania episphagnum (Pezizales, Sarcosomataceae), una rara specie trovata nelle torbiere del Trentino-Alto Adige

Ribes M.A., Escobio V., Zamora J.C.

Vol. 11 (6) – 24 December 2019

doi: 10.25664/art-0280

 Open Access


Abstract: Trichocoma paradoxa Jungh is a teleomorphic ascomycete fungus belonging to the order Eurotiales G.W. Martin ex Benny & Kimbr., surprising due to its shaving brush-like appearance. Its known worldwide distribution is typically tropical or subtropical, so its finding in the Canary Islands (in this case, La Palma) was a matter of time. We are not aware of any previous records of this species in the Western Palearctic ecozone

Presentamos una recolecta de Trichocoma paradoxa Jungh. en la isla de La Palma, Islas Canarias, España. Este ascomicete teleomórfico se ha recolectado sobre la corteza y la sección transversal de dos troncos caídos de til, Ocotea foetens […]

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