Bronckers R.
Vol. 11 (4) – 29 June 2019
doi: 10.25664/art-0267
Open Access
Abstract: In 2008 type specimens of Peziza euchroa were examined by Benkert, resulting in the combination Anthracobia euchroa. In the course of a recent investigation, questions arose and the original descriptions of P. euchroa were consulted. It became clear that P. euchroa in fact does not belong to the genus Anthracobia or any of the other genera to which it was previously assigned. P. euchroa is conspecific with Rhodotarzetta rosea in every respect and the new combination Rhodotarzetta euchroa is proposed.
In the course of a study on the pyrophilous species Anthracobia macrocystis (Cooke) Boud. (Bronckers, in prep.), a literature examination was conducted. Benkert (2008) investigated the identity of Peziza euchroa P. Karst., regarded as […]