Lechat C., Fournier J.
Vol. 11 (2) – 06 April 2019
doi: 10.25664/art-0259
Open Access
Abstract: Three new species of Ijuhya are described and illustrated, based on material collected in metropolitan France, French Guiana and Spain. Based on morphological and phylogenetic comparison with the known Ijuhya species as well as the related genera Lasionectria and Lasionectriella, we propose I. salviicola, I. saulensis, and I. somiedoensis as new species. The three species were cultured but only I. salviicola produced an acremonium-like asexual morph. Morphological characteristics distinguishing Ijuhya, Lasionectria and Lasionectriella are discussed and illustrated. The new combination Lasionectria boothii is proposed and Lasionectria lecanodes (Ces.) Petch is re-instated.
The current concept of Ijuhya Starbäck was established by Rossman et al. (1999) to accommodate the bionectriaceous fungi formerly assigned to Peristomialis (W. Phillips) Boud. by Samuels (1988). After the revision of I. vitrea Starbäck, Samuels (1976) showed that this name was an earlier synonym of Nectria peristomialis […]