Xylaria aethiopica sp. nov. – a new pod-inhabiting species of Xylaria (Xylariaceae) from Ethiopia

Van den Boom P.P.G., Sipman H.J.M., Divakar P.K., Ertz D.

Vol. 10 (6) – 30 December 2018

doi: 10.25664/art-0248

 Open Access


Abstract: Altogether 193 taxa of lichens and lichenicolous fungi are reported from Suriname of which many are new records for the country. These include eight species which are described as new to science: Bacidia fellhaneroides, B. multicarpa, B. surinamensis, Bactrospora ochracea, Cryptolechia submyriadella, Graphis triseptata, Lasioloma pauciseptatum and Zwackhiomyces parmotrematis. Notes on morphology, chemistry and ecology are given.

Suriname belongs together with Guiana and French Guiana to the Guayana Shield, an area in north-eastern South America. Together with Venezuelan Guiana and parts of Colombia and Brazil, it forms a distinct geographical region […]

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