The genus Xylaria sensu lato (Xylariaceae) in Guadeloupe and Martinique (French West Indies) I. Taxa with penzigioid stromata

Fournier J., Lechat C., Courtecuisse R.

Vol. 10 (4) – 09 September 2018

doi: 10.25664/art-0239

 Open Access


Abstract: This survey deals with the Xylaria taxa with penzigioid stromata, i.e., with sessile to subsessile stromata wider than high, collected in the French West Indies in the course of an ongoing inventorial work on the mycobiota of these islands initiated in 2003. Based on the evaluation and comparison of their morphological characters, eighteen taxa are described, illustrated and commented, including seven known taxa, viz.: X. alboareolata, X. berteroi, X. boergesenii, X. flabelliformis, X. frustulosa, X. globosa and X. lechatii, only the last having been reliably reported previously from these islands. The following eight species are described as new, viz.: X. conopeicola, X. entomelaina, X. leptosperma, X. obtusispora, X. papillatoides, X. parvula, X. peltiformis and X. rhytidosperma. The new combination X. cantareirensis is proposed for a taxon formerly placed in the obsolete genus Penzigia. The two further collections CLL 5109 and MJF 13098 that could not be unambiguously identified are likewise described but not named, pending more material being collected. A dichotomous identification key and a synoptic figure plate of stromata are presented

The genus Xylaria Hill ex Schrank is currently the largest genus of the family Xylariaceae Tul. & C. Tul., with over 800 epithets listed in MycoBank, including species in Penzigia Sacc. and Xylosphaera Dumort. After revision of most of the corresponding material, removal of repetitive names, synonyms, excluded and doubtful taxa and inclusion of missing names and undescribed species […]

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