The genus Annulohypoxylon (Xylariaceae) in Guadeloupe and Martinique (French West Indies)

Fournier J., Lechat C., Courtecuisse R.

Vol. 8 (4) – 08 July 2016

doi: 10.25664/art-0182

 Open Access


Abstract: This survey deals with the Annulohypoxylon spp. collected in the French West Indies in the course of an ongoing inventorial work on the mycobiota of these islands initiated in 2003. Based on the evaluation and comparison of their morphological characters, eleven species are described, illustrated and discussed, including three new species, A. caravellense, A. ramulorum and A. splendens and a taxonomically unsettled species provisionally referred to A. moriforme. Other recorded taxa include A. atroroseum, A. leptascum, A. moriforme var. microdiscum, A. nitens, A. purpureopigmentum, A. purpureonitens and A. stygium, of which only the latter was already known from Guadeloupe. A dichotomous identification key is provided


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