Tricharina tophiseda

Coll. ENCB R. Valenzuela 18918
Coll. ENCB R. Valenzuela 18918
© R. Valenzuela

Wolfina molangoensis R. Valenz. & Raymundo, J. Fungi, 9: 18 (2023).


Basionym Wolfina molangoensis R. Valenz. & Raymundo, J. Fungi, 9: 18 (2023).

Diagnosis Apothecia 20–60 mm diameter, cup-shaped to discoid, external surface black, external hairs velvety; asci 400–450 × 22–24 µm, cylindrical, operculate; ascospores 35–40 × 14–18 µm, elliptical to cylindrical, hyaline, with granular content, smooth, thick-walled.

Type ENCB R. Valenzuela 18918 - holotypus

MycoBank 842045


Raymundo T., Valenzuela R., Martínez-González C.R., García-Jiménez J., Cobos-Villagrán A., Sánchez-Flores M., de la Fuente J., Martínez-Pineda M., Pérez-Valdespino A., Ramírez-Martínez J.C., Luna-Vega I. 2023. New Ascomycetes from the Mexican tropical montane cloud forest. Journal of Fungi, 9: 933.

Classification: Chorioactidaceae, Wolfina

Created on 03/05/2024.

Updated on 03/05/2024.


Collections List

[MX] Molango
Laguna de Azteca
31/05/2018, leg. R. Valenzuela
R. Valenzuela 18918 (ENCB)
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