Coll. #212=Sieg Center © J. Plischke |  Coll. TENN 67714 © C. Braaten | | | | |
Wolfina aurantiopsis (Ellis) Seaver ex Eckblad, Nytt. Mag. Bot., 15 (1-2): 126 (1968).
Basionym Peziza aurantiopsis Ellis, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 9: 18 (1882).
Diagnosis Peziza (Sarcoscypha) aurantiopsis – Sessile, about one inch across, with a coarse, felt-like, black-brown mycelium at the base, matted together on hardwood branches, etc., on which it grows; the outside of the cup also coated with coarse (.00025’ diam.) brown, smooth sparingly-branched, continuous hairs; disk clear pale yellow, nearly sulphur yellow, becoming dull orange when dry; margin thin, pale, narrow, erect; flesh white, thick (1/8’-1/4’), firm, elastic, dry; asci cylindrical, subtruncate above, .0013-.0014 × .0006’; paraphyses stout, septate, slightly thickened above; sporidia oblong-elliptical, granular, .0009’-.0010’ × .0006’, epispore smooth. On the bare soil and on decaying wood and leaves in low, sandy, oak and pine woods, Sept. 1881.
Type ???
Homotypic Lachnea aurantiopsis (Ellis) Sacc., Syll. fung., 8: 180 (1889).
Sarcosoma carolinianum Durand, J. Mycol., 9 (2): 103 (1903), fide Seaver (1937).
MycoBank 479422
Agnello C., Carbone M., Braaten C. 2013. Wolfina aurantiopsis, a rare species in the family Chorioactidaceae (Pezizales). Ascomycete.org, 5 (1): 39-45.
Durand E.J. 1903. The genus Sarcosoma in North America. Journal of Mycology, 9 (2): 102-104.
Eckblad F.E. 1968. The genera of the operculate Discomycetes. A re-evaluation of their taxonomy, phylogeny and nomenclature. Nytt Magasin for Botanikk, 15 (1-2): 1-191.
Ellis J.B. 1882. New North American fungi. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, 9: 18-20.
Pfister D.H., Slater C., Hansen K. 2008. Chorioactidaceae, a new family in Pezizales (Ascomycta) with four genera. Mycological Research, 112 (5): 513-527.
Seaver F.J. 1937. Photographs and descriptions of cup-fungi XXVIII. A proposed genus. Mycologia, 29: 678-680.
Wang Y.Z. 2011. The sarcosomataceous discomycetes in Taiwan. Fungal Science, 26 (1): 49-56.
Classification: Chorioactidaceae, Wolfina
Created on 30/05/2015.
Updated on 02/08/2023.