![Coll. SLL AA19870911 (leg. A. Ayel)](/desktopmodules/DNNArticleLightboxContentPlugin/Thumbnail.ashx?FileName=Photos%2fWilcoxina-rehmii-01.jpg&portalID=0&width=150) Coll. SLL AA19870911 (leg. A. Ayel) © N. Van Vooren | ![Coll. SLL AA19870911 (leg. A. Ayel)](/desktopmodules/DNNArticleLightboxContentPlugin/Thumbnail.ashx?FileName=Photos%2fWilcoxina-rehmii-micro.jpg&portalID=0&width=150) Coll. SLL AA19870911 (leg. A. Ayel)
Microcharacters 10 µm © N. Van Vooren | | | | |
Wilcoxina rehmii Chin S. Yang & Korf, Mycotaxon, 24: 517 (1985).
Basionym Wilcoxina rehmii Chin S. Yang & Korf, Mycotaxon, 24: 517 (1985).
Diagnosis Ab speciebus alliis Wilcoxinae et Tricharinae pilis atrobrunneis parietes crassos possidentibus differens.
Type Sydow, Mycoth. March. #775 (S) - holotypus
MycoBank 104862
Dougoud R. 2002. Contribution à la connaissance de quelques Discomycètes operculés rares ou méconnus. Fungi non Delineati, 18: 1-69.
Egger K.N. 1996. Molecular systematics of E-strain mycorrhizal fungi: Wilcoxina and its relationship to Tricharina (Pezizales). Canadian Journal of Botany, 74: 773-779.
Fujimura K.E., Smith J.E., Horton T.R., Weber N.S., Spatafora J.W. 2005. Pezizalean mycorrhizas and sporocarps in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) after prescribed fires in eastern Oregon, USA. Mycorrhiza, 15: 79-86.
Yang C.S., Korf R.P. 1985. A monograph of the genus Tricharina and of a new, segregate genus, Wilcoxina (Pezizales). Mycotaxon, 24: 467-531.
Classification: Pyronemataceae, Wilcoxina
Created on 19/06/2015.
Updated on 02/08/2023.