Warcupia cupulata

Coll. TUR-A 209465
Coll. TUR-A 209465
© T. Lezzi
Coll. TUR-A 209464
Coll. TUR-A 209464
© G. Galeotti

Warcupia cupulata M. Carbone, Galeotti, Lezzi, Athanasiadis & P. Alvarado, Ascomycete.org, 13 (4): 148 (2021).


Basionym Warcupia cupulata M. Carbone, Galeotti, Lezzi, Athanasiadis & P. Alvarado, Ascomycete.org, 13 (4): 148 (2021).

Diagnosis Besides its characteristic genetic profile, Warcupia cupulata differs from the only other known species of this genus, W. terrestris, in forming apothecia and having smaller ascospores. It differs also from the entirely-cupulate species of the genus Otidea in having smaller ascospores, from species of Arpinia in the curved tips of the paraphyses, and from species of Tarzetta in its pleurorynchous asci.

Type TUR-A 209464 - holotypus

MycoBank 839205


Carbone M., Galeotti G.B., Lezzi T., Athanasiadis A., Alvarado P. 2021. Warcupia cupulata a new cup-shaped species in the cleistothecioid genus Warcupia (Otideaceae, Pezizales). Ascomycete.org, 13 (4): 145-156.

Classification: Otideaceae, Warcupia

Created on 23/08/2021.

Updated on 14/08/2023.


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