Urnula mexicana


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Urnula mexicana (Ellis & Holw.) M. Carbone, Agnello & A.D. Parker, Ascomycete.org, 5 (1): 14 (2013).


Basionym Bulgaria mexicana Ellis & Holw., Bot. Gazette, 24 (1): 37 (1897).

Diagnosis Obconic, stipitate, 2.5-3.5 cm across, carnose-gelatinous, becoming hard and rigid when dry, with the margin involute and much wrinkled, glabrous, olive-black : hymenium reddish-brown, cracking and showing the white substance of the ascoma : stipe central, short, stout, wrinkled (when dry) : asci cylindrical, stipitate, 8-spored, 250-270 by 15 µ : paraphyses filiform, slightly thickened above and brownish : sporidia uniseriate allantoid, rounded at the ends, slightly curved, mostly with a large vacuole in the center, subhyaline, 25-34 by 8-10 µ. — Cuernavaca, Sept.

Type #01169254 (NY) - holotypus

Homotypic Sarcosoma mexicanum (Ellis & Holw.) Paden & Tylutki, Mycologia, 61 (4): 689 (1969) ; Plectania mexicana (Ellis & Holw.) Paden, Fl. Neotrop., Monogr., 37: 7 (1983).

MycoBank 801356


Carbone M., Agnello C., Parker A. 2013. Urnula padeniana (Pezizales) sp. nov. and the type study of Bulgaria mexicana. Ascomycete.org, 5 (1): 13-24.
Ellis J.B., Holway E.W.D. 1897. Mexican fungi. Botanical Gazette, 24 (1): 23-38.
Medel R., Chacón S. 2000. Contribución al conocimiento del género Plectania (Pezizales, Sarcosomataceae) en México. Acta Botanica Mexicana, 50: 11-19.
Paden J.W., Tylutki E.E. 1969. Idaho Discomycetes. II. Mycologia, 61 (4): 683-693.

Classification: Sarcosomataceae, Urnula

Created on 30/05/2015.

Updated on 02/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] Verdaches
16/05/2010, leg. G. Doublet
NV 2010.05.29 
Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Claveisolles
16/06/1968, leg. P. Berthet
PB 826 (LY)
Source: FMBDS / SLL
[FR] Écoche
Bois du Châtelet
18/10/2003, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2003.10.09 
Source: FMBDS / BD N. Van Vooren
[FR] Les Allues
Altiport de Méribel
23/05/2010, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2010.05.34 
Source: FMBDS / BD N. Van Vooren
[FR] Morzine
Les Meuniers
11/05/1994, leg. J. Vialard

Source: FMBDS / BD A. Favre
[FR] Noirétable
07/05/1981, leg. A. Ayel

Source: FMBDS / SLL
[FR] Plagne Tarentaise
09/06/1988, leg. M. Meyer
sans num. (G)
Source: FMBDS / BD M. Meyer
[FR] Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise
Le Crot - Plan du pré
25/07/2011, leg. Collectif (SHNVC)

[FR] Saint-Nizier-d'Azergues
Forêt de Pramenoux
13/05/1956, leg. P. Berthet
PB 139 (LY)
Source: FMBDS / SLL
[FR] Saint-Victor-de-Cessieu
Forêt de Vallin
21/10/2012, leg. Collectif (SHNVC)

[FR] Les Allues
au-dessus de l'altiport
15/05/1999, leg. N. Van Vooren

Source: BD N. Van Vooren
[FR] Upie
01/11/1987, leg. L. Brunet
Br 675 
[FR] Romeyer
la Blache
28/05/2023, leg. H. Dumesny
HD 2023-05-28 26 09 
Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Romeyer
la Blache
17/06/2023, leg. H. Dumesny & N. Van Vooren
HD 2023-06-17 26 05, NV 2023.06.21 
Source: Ascomycete.org
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