Coll. 22.IV.2012 (H) © S. Kytöharju | | | | | |
Urnula hiemalis Nannf., Svensk Bot. Tidskr., 43: 471 (1949).
Basionym Urnula hiemalis Nannf., Svensk Bot. Tidskr., 43: 471 (1949).
Diagnosis U. craterio valde affinis sed differt: apotheciis sessilibus – substipitatis, terram adfixis, infundibuliformibus, saepe mutua compressione irregularibus; hymenio tarde et raro maturescente; ascosporis brevioribus (sporis apicalioribus circ. 20 μ longis).
Type F-013976 (UPS) - holotypus
MycoBank 291817
Carbone M., Agnello C. 2013. Notes on Urnula hiemalis Nannf. Ascomycete.org, 5 (1): 53-61.
Eckblad F.E. 1957. Norges Sarcoscyphaceer. Blyttia, 15: 2-12.
Nannfeldt J.A. 1949. Contributions to the mycoflora of Sweden. 7. A new winter discomycete, Urnula hiemalis Nannf. n. sp., and a short account of the Swedish species of Sarcoscyphaceae. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, 43 (2-3): 468-484.
Neuendorf M. 1978. Urnula hiemalis i Norden. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, 72: 299-304.
Zettur I., Kullman B. 2011. Urnula hiemalis a rare and interesting species of the Pezizales from Estonia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica, 48: 149-152.
Classification: Sarcosomataceae, Urnula
Created on 30/05/2015.
Updated on 02/08/2023.