Coll. VN091 © V. Nakkas | | | | | |
Tuber pulchrosporum Konstantinidis, Tsampazis, Slavova, Nakkas, Polemis, Fryssouli & Zervakis, MycoKeys, 47: 40 (2019).
Basionym Tuber pulchrosporum Konstantinidis, Tsampazis, Slavova, Nakkas, Polemis, Fryssouli & Zervakis, MycoKeys, 47: 40 (2019).
Diagnosis Ascomata 0.6–7(–10) cm in diam., subglobose, ovoid to irregularly lobed, usually with shallow basal cavity, surface with fissures and small, dense, almost flat trihedral to polyhedral warts, yellowish-brown to dark brown. Ascospores 25.0–37.0 × 18.2–25.6 μm in (1–)2–8-spored asci, ellipsoid to subfusiform on average, Qm=1.4, crested to incompletely reticulate. Hair-like, hyaline to light yellow-brown hyphae protruding from peridium surface.
T. panniferum, the closest phylogenetically-related species, produces smaller ascospores (23–26 × 18–20 μm), broadly ellipsoid to subglobose on average, with isolated warts; moreover, the peridium surface is woolly-felted due to the presence of dense rusty brown hair-like hyphae.
Type ACAM 2016-007 - holotypus
MycoBank 828883
Polemis E., Konstantinidis G., Fryssouli V., Slavova M., Tsampazis T., Nakkas V., Assyov B., Kaounas V., Zervakis G.I. 2019. Tuber pulchrosporum sp. nov., a black truffle of the Aestivum clade (Tuberaceae, Pezizales) from the Balkan peninsula. MycoKeys, 47: 35-51.
Classification: Tuberaceae, Tuber
Created on 22/02/2019.
Updated on 11/08/2023.