Coll. OSC 157842 © C. Piña Páez | | | | | |
Tuber anniae W. Colgan & Trappe, Mycotaxon, 64: 438 (1997).
Basionym Tuber anniae W. Colgan & Trappe, Mycotaxon, 64: 438 (1997).
Diagnosis Ascomata 6-18 mm in diam, subglobulosa vel irregularia, glabra, brunnea vel obscure olivaceobrunnea. Gleba atrobrunnea venis albis et brunneogriseis marmorata. Sporae pro parte maxima globosae et 20-45 µm in diam, ubi subglobosae vel late ellipsoideae 25-48 (-50) × 20-44 µm, brunneae, reticulatae alveolis 6-10 per longitudinem sporae. Asci 75-90 × 50-80 µm, globosi vel ellipsoides, hyalini. Holotypus OSC 58992.
Type OSC 58992 - holotypus
MycoBank 437836
Colgan III W., Trappe J.M. 1997. NATS truffle and truffle-like fungi. 7. Tuber anniae sp. nov. (Ascomycota). Mycotaxon, 64: 437-442.
Piña-Páez C., Bonito G.M., Guevara-Guerrero G., Castellano M.A., Garibay-Orijel R., Trappe J.M., Peña Rámirez R. 2018. Description and distribution of Tuber incognitum sp. nov. and Tuber anniae in the Transmexican Volcanic Belt. MycoKeys, 41: 17-27.
Classification: Tuberaceae, Tuber
Created on 20/02/2019.
Updated on 11/08/2023.