Coll. C.V.L. 200718(1) © F.J. Valencia | | | | | |
Tricharina subhiemalis Van Vooren, U. Lindemann, Moyne & Valencia, Ascomycete.org, 14 (4-5): 192 (2022).
Basionym Tricharina subhiemalis Van Vooren, U. Lindemann, Moyne & Valencia, Ascomycete.org, 14 (4-5): 192 (2022).
Diagnosis Differs from Tricharina hiemalis by wider ascospores with a mean Q ratio < 1.7, by ascomata growing superficially on soil, and its genetic profile.
Type LY NV 2011.08.14 - holotypus
MycoBank 846758
Lindemann U., Van Vooren N. 2022. Emendation of the genus Tricharina (Pezizales) based on phylogenetic, morphological and ecological data. Part 3. New type studies and description of two new species. Ascomycete.org, 14 (4-5): 185-204.
Classification: Pyronemataceae, Tricharina
Created on 07/12/2022.
Updated on 16/08/2023.