Sepultaria cervina

Coll. MSTR P-19995
Coll. MSTR P-19995
© H. Lehmann

Tricharina glabra U. Lindemann & Böhning, Z. Mykol., 82 (2): 450 (2016).


Basionym Tricharina glabra U. Lindemann & Böhning, Z. Mykol., 82 (2): 450 (2016).

Diagnosis Apothecia 2-4 mm in diameter, sessile, at first cupulate, later disc-shaped, old with an irregularly undulate margin. Margin slightly dentate without visible hairs. Hymenium pale red brown to orange brown becoming yellow brown when dried. Flanks of the same color covered by little dark brown spots. Asci 8-spored, operculate, not amyloid, base with crozier, 285-315 x 18.5-20.5 (-24) μm. Ascospores hyaline, smooth, broadly ellipsoid, slightly thick-walled, uninucleate, filled with minute refractive hyaline droplets, (18.5-) 19-23.5 (-24) x 15-17 (-18) μm (in the living state). Paraphyses filiform, apically not or slightly swollen, filled with hyaline non-refractive vacuoles and little orange brown droplets and crystals which turn pale green when stained in Iodine. Excipulum two-layered: medullary excipulum of textura intricata, composed of thin-walled hyaline cells; ectal excipulum as textura globulosa/angularis, composed of hyaline cells getting more brownish and thick-walled to the outside. Margin composed of brown and thick-walled cells in rows with occasional short rudimentary brown non-septate thick-walled hairs, 35-60 (-80) x 10-20.5 μm. Flanks of the apothecium covered with brown exudate mixed with brown sinuous and branched hyphae becoming hyaline at the base.

Type MSTR P-19995 - holotypus

MycoBank 817341


Lindemann U., Böhning T. 2016. Tricharina glabra (Pezizales) – eine neue Art in ein schwierigen Gattung. Zeitschrift für Mykologie, 88 (2): 449-458.
Van Vooren N., Lindemann U., Healy R. 2017. Emendation of the genus Tricharina (Pezizales) based on phylogenetic, morphological and ecological data., 9 (4): 101-123.
Van Vooren N., Lindemann U., Healy R. 2019. Emendation of the genus Tricharina (Pezizales) based on phylogenetic, morphological and ecological data. Part 2., 11 (5): 145-169.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Tricharina

Created on 17/09/2017.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


Collections List

[NL] Renesse
04/11/2017, leg. M. van der Vegte
G.J. C170 5778 
[DE] Fehmarn
17/11/2015, leg. T. Böhning
P-19995 (MSTR)
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