Coll. 2009-03-14 © C. Gelpi | | | | | |
Terfezia extremadurensis Muñoz-Mohedano, Ant. Rodr. & Bordallo, Mycotaxon, 124: 195 (2013).
Basionym Terfezia extremadurensis Muñoz-Mohedano, Ant. Rodr. & Bordallo, Mycotaxon, 124: 195 (2013).
Diagnosis Differs from all other spiny-spored Terfezia spp. by its larger spores with wider spines and its Tuber-like glebal morphology.
Type MUB Fung-0026 - holotypus
MycoBank 561591
Bordallo J.J., Rodriguez A., Muñoz-Mohedano J.M., Suz L.M., Honrubia M., Morte A. 2013. Five new Terfezia species from the Iberian Peninsula. Mycotaxon, 124: 189-208.
Classification: Pezizaceae, Terfezia
Created on 18/04/2016.
Updated on 07/08/2023.