Sarcoscypha occidentalis

Coll. HRL0440
Coll. HRL0440
© R. Lebeuf

Sarcoscypha occidentalis (Schwein.) Sacc., Syll. fung., 8: 154 (1889).


Basionym Peziza occidentalis Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., 4 (2): 171 (1834).

Diagnosis P. occidentalis, L. v. S., ad Muskingum in Ohio ad stipites dejectos et ramulos mense Augusto.
P. longiuscule stipitata, stipite teneriori, cupula subinfundibuliformi, tota coccinea; extus villo brevi albidulo subtomentosa. Disco luteo coccineo. Basis stipitis tomento candido involuta — Interdum sessilis occurrit, plerumque stipite subunciali. Omnibus partibus gracilior est P. coccineae. Sparsim crescit.

Type ex herb. Schweinitz (PH) - lectotypus ?

Homotypic Geopyxis occidentalis (Schwein.) Morgan, J. Mycol., 8 (4): 188 (1902) ; Plectania occidentalis (Schwein.) Seaver, N. Amer. Cup-fungi (Operc.): 193 (1928).

Peziza hesperidea Peck & Cooke, Grevillea, 1 (1): 5 (1872), fide Denison (1972); Geopyxis hesperidea (Peck & Cooke) Sacc., Syll. fung., 8: 63 (1889).

MycoBank 237832


Denison W.C. 1972. Central American Pezizales. IV. The Genera Sarcoscypha, Pithya, and Nanoscypha. Mycologia, 64 (3): 609-623.
Harrington F.A. 1990. Sarcoscypha in North America (Pezizales, Sarcoscyphaceae) . Mycotaxon, 38: 417-458.
Harrington F.A. 1998. Relationships among Sarcoscypha species: Evidence from molecular and morphological characters. Mycologia, 90 (2): 235-243.
Harrington F.A., Potter D. 1997. Phylogenetic relationships within Sarcoscypha based upon nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Mycologia, 89 (2): 258-267.
Kanouse B.B. 1948. The genus Plectania and its segregates in North America. Mycologia, 40 (4): 482-497.
Li L.T., Kimbrough J.W. 1995. Spore ontogeny in species of Sarcoscypha. Mycologia, 87 (6): 749-758.
Morgan A.P. 1902. The discomycetes of the Miami Valley, Ohio. Journal of Mycology, 8 (4): 179-192.
Schweinitz L.D. von 1834. Synopsis fungorum in America boreali media degentium. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 4 (2): 141-316.
Seaver F.J. 1909. Discomycetes of North Dakota. Mycologia, 1 (3): 104-114.
Seaver F.J. 1928. The North American Cup-Fungi (Operculates).
Van Hook J.M. 1915. Indiana Fungi-III. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 25: 141-148.

Classification: Sarcoscyphaceae, Sarcoscypha

Created on 03/06/2015.

Updated on 02/08/2023.


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