Saccobolus citrinus

Coll. MR #6711 (leg. T. Richter)
Coll. MR #6711 (leg. T. Richter)
© M. Reul
Iconotype (Pl. VI, fig. 1)
Iconotype (Pl. VI, fig. 1)
Coll. MR #6711 (leg. T. Richter)
Coll. MR #6711 (leg. T. Richter)
© M. Reul

Saccobolus citrinus Boud. & Torrend, Bull. Soc. mycol. France, 27: 131 (1911).


Basionym Saccobolus citrinus Boud. & Torrend, Bull. Soc. mycol. France, 27: 131 (1911).

Diagnosis Minutissimus, 0 mm. 2 ad 0,3 latus, luteus, glaber. Receptacula pulvinata, luteo-ochracea, sessilia; hymenio pulvinato. Paraphyses hyalinae, simplices aut divisae, septatae, ad apices paululum incrassatae, gelino luteo ut thecae immersae. Thecae late clavatae, ad basim attenuatae, 130-150 µ longae, 30-35 µ latae. Sporae oblongo-fusiformes, aggregatae, 21-23 µ longae, 9-10 latae.
Ad stercus vaccinum, in Lusitania Februario invenit Torrend.

Type ex herb. Boudier (PC), s.n. - holotypus

MycoBank 148596


Boudier E., Torrend C. 1911. Discomycètes nouveaux de Portugal. Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France, 27 (2): 127-136.
Brummelen J. (van) 1967. A World-monograph of the genera Ascobolus and Saccobolus (Ascomycetes, Pezizales). Persoonia, supplement, I: 1-260.
Doveri F. 2014. An update on the genera Ascobolus and Saccobolus with keys and descriptions of three coprophilous species, new to Italy. Mycosphere, 5 (1): 86-135.
Hu D.M., Dai X.H., Guo D.Y., Hyde K.D., Zhang K.Q. 2008. The diversity of coprophilous fungi from Dahuadian and Zhongdian grasslands, Yunnan, China. Cryptogamie Mycologie, 29 (4): 355-364.
Le Gal M. 1941. Observations sur Sarcoscypha coccinea var. jurana Boud. et sur Saccobolus citrinus Boud. et Torr. Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France, 57 (1-4): 50-55.
Melo R., Bezerra J.L., Cavalcanti M. 2012. Diversity of coprophilous ascomycetes from captive wild animals in Dois Irmãos State Park, Brazil. Nova Hedwigia, 94 (1-2): 153-162.
Mungai P., Hyde K.D., Cai L., Njogu J., Chukeatirote E. 2011. Coprophilous ascomycetes of northern Thailand. Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology, 1 (2): 135-159.
Mungai P.G., Chukeatirote E., Njogu J.G., Hyde K.D. 2012. Coprophilous ascomycetes in Kenya: Saccobolus species from wildlife dung. Mycosphere, 3 (2): 111-129.
Prokhorov V., Raitviir A. 1991. New or interesting species of Ascobolus and Saccobolus in the USSR. Cryptogamic Botany, 2: 205-213.
Ranalli M.E., Forchiassin F. 1976. Systematic and biologic study of the Ascobolaceae of Argentina. VII. Development and cytology of Saccobolus citrinus [Fungi]. Boletín de la Sociedad Argentina de Botanica, 17 (3-4): 262-279.
Richardson M.J. 2001. Coprophilous Fungi from Brazil. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 44 (3): 283-289.

Classification: Ascobolaceae, Saccobolus

Created on 07/04/2021.

Updated on 14/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] La Léchère
Grand Naves, plateau du Tovet
10/12/2020, leg. M. Meyer

Source: FMBDS/BD M. Meyer
[FR] Rognaix
vers scieries
09/12/2020, leg. M. Meyer

Source: FMBDS/BD M. Meyer
[FR] Bellevue-la-Montagne
Val d'Enfer
01/10/1999, leg. Session SMF

[FR] Rognaix
La Rochette
19/02/2021, leg. M. Meyer

Source: FMBDS/BD M. Meyer
[FR] Rognaix
au-dessus de la mairie
13/11/2020, leg. M. Meyer

Source: FMBDS/BD M. Meyer
[DE] Insel Hiddensee
19/01/2019, leg. T. Richter
MR #6711 
[FR] La Léchère
Grand Naves
20/07/2021, leg. M. Meyer

Source: FMBDS/BD M. Meyer
[FR] Saint-Santin-de-Maurs
Etang de Barroul
28/06/2021, leg. N. Van Vooren
NV 2021.06.20 
[FR] La Léchère
Grand Naves
18/05/2021, leg. M. Meyer

Source: FMBDS/BD M. Meyer
[FR] La Léchère
Grand Naves
04/10/2021, leg. M. Meyer

Source: FMBDS/BD M. Meyer
[FR] Belleville
bois de Goffay
02/11/2021, leg. D. Roux

Source: FMBDS/BD M. Meyer
[FR] La Bâthie
à côté de la Maison de santé
18/11/2021, leg. M. Meyer

Source: FMBDS/BD M. Meyer
[FR] Bozel
20/02/2022, leg. G. Maitre

Source: FMBDS/BD M. Meyer
[FR] Bessans
08/06/2023, leg. F. Cadène

[FR] Montagnole
le Grand Plateau
06/05/2023, leg. M. Meyer

Source: FMBDS/BD M. Meyer
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