Ruhlandiella patagonica

Coll. FLAS F-62145
Coll. FLAS F-62145
© R. Healy

Ruhlandiella patagonica Kraisit., Pfister, Healy & M.E. Sm., Mycologia, 111: 3 (2019).


Basionym Ruhlandiella patagonica Kraisit., Pfister, Healy & M.E. Sm., Mycologia, 111: 3 (2019).

Diagnosis Ascomata hypogeous, exothecial, asci 340–430 × 32–40 μm, ascospores globose, 22–36 μm, reticulate, yellow-brown, ornamentation up to 4 μm, paraphyses covered with a gelatinous sheath, spore mats abundant, found in Nothofagaceae forests.

Type SGO-168848 - holotypus

MycoBank 824729


Kraisitudomsook N., Healy R.A., Mujic A.B., Pfister D.H., Nouhra E.R., Smith M.E. 2019. Systematic study of truffles in the genus Ruhlandiella, with the description of two new species from Patagonia. Mycologia, 111: 1-16.

Classification: Pezizaceae, Ruhlandiella

Created on 28/05/2019.

Updated on 11/08/2023.


Collections List

[AR] Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi
Los Rápidos
05/2016, leg. R. Healy
F-62145 (FLAS)
[CL] Punta Arenas
Magallanes Forest Reserve
06/04/2017, leg. A.B. Mujic
168848 (SGO)
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