Coll. 2022-07-08 © P. Zuidland | | | | | |
Pulvinula archeri (Berk.) Rifai, Verh. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch., Afd. Natuurk. Sect.II, 57(3): 213 (1968).
Basionym Peziza archeri Berk., in Hooker, Botany of the Antarctic Voyage. III, Fl. Tasman., 2: 274 (1860).
Diagnosis Sessilis, cinnabarina, primum concava, demum expansa, undulata, margine libro.
Hab. On dead leaves of some succulent plant. Archer.
Bright-crimson. Cup 1/4 inch across, sessile, at first depressed, then expanded, undulated and umbilicate, paler below, slightly tomentose. Asci cylindrical. Sporidia globose, 1/3500 inch across, with a large nucleus. — The fruit is just like that of P. endocarpoides, B. The species is almost intermediate between the sections Humaria and Mollisia. The sporidia vary greatly in size in the same ascus.
Type Rodway 686 - K(M) - neotypus
Homotypic Barlaea archeri (Berk.) Sacc., Syll. Fung., 10: 5 (1892) ; Barlaeina archeri (Berk.) Sacc. & Traverso, Syll. Fung., 19: 138 (1910).
MycoBank 338037
Hooker J.D. 1860. The botany of the Antarctic voyage. Part III. Flora Tasmaniae.
Pfister D.H. 1976. A Synopsis of the genus Pulvinula. Occasional papers of the Farlow Herbarium of cryptogamic botany, 9: 1-19.
Rifai M.A. 1968. The Australasian Pezizales in the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew. Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, afd. natuurkunde, Sect. 2, 57 (3): 1-295.
Warcup J.H. 1990. Occurrence of ectomycorrhizal and saprophytic discomycetes after a wild fire in a eucalypt forest. Mycological Research, 94 (8): 1065-1069.
Classification: Pulvinulaceae, Pulvinula
Created on 21/08/2022.
Updated on 16/08/2023.