Pseudombrophila misturae

Coll. ERD-6588
Coll. ERD-6588
© M. Tapia
Iconotype, fig. 58 (1880)
Iconotype, fig. 58 (1880)
W. Phillips

Pseudombrophila misturae (W. Phillips) Svrček, Česká Mykol., 28 (3): 135 (1974).


Basionym Peziza misturae W. Phillips, The Gardeners' chronicle, 14: 308 (1880).

Diagnosis Crowded or scattered, sessile, concave when dry, applanate when moist, submarginate, chestnut-brown, glabrous ; asci cylindraceo-clavate ; sporidia 8, ovate or sub-globose, smooth, with one large nucleus, .014—.016 × .011.—,012 mm. ; paraphyses from one to six times branched, summits proliferously pyriform, or moniliform, or only slighliy />On a mixture of lime and cowdung spread on the trunks of Apple trees. Spring. Clifton. Mr. Cedric Bucknall. ½—3 mm. across. The paraphyses are remarkable for their proliferous growth, and the cells of the exterior of the cup are small, oblong rather than globose.

Type K(M) 30409 - holotypus

Homotypic Humaria misturae (W. Phillips) Sacc., Syll. Fung., 8: 143 (1889) ; Ascophanus misturae (W. Phillips) Boud., Hist. classif. Discom. Eur.: 76 (1907).

MycoBank 321832


Arroyo I., Calonge F.D. 1990. Pseudombrophila misturae (Phill.) Svrcek y Helvella leucopus Pers. var. populina Arroyo & Calonge, nuevas para España. Boletín de la Sociedad Micológica de Madrid, 14: 197-199.
Brummelen J. (van) 1995. A World-monograph of the genus Pseudombrophila (Pezizales, Ascomycotina). Libri Botanici, 14: 1-117.
Lohmeyer T.R. 1995. Pilze auf Helgoland. Zur Mykologie einer Ferieninsel in der Nordsee. Teil 1: Ascomyceten. Zeitschrift für Mykologie, 61 (1): 79-121.
Phillips W. 1880. New British Discomycetes. The Gardeners' chronicle, 14: 308-309.
Rubio E., Balda F.J., Tapia M. 2016. Algunos ascomycetes interesantes del NNE de la Penísnsula Ibérica. II. Errotari, 13: 56-82.
Svrček M. 1974. New or less known Discomycetes. I. Česká Mykologie, 28 (3): 129-137.
Tanchaud P. 2018. Quelques espèces remarquables récoltées en Poitou-Charentes. Bulletin de la Société mycologique du Massif d'Argenson, 36: 7-29.

Classification: Pseudombrophilaceae, Pseudombrophila

Created on 21/06/2022.

Updated on 16/08/2023.


Collections List

[ES] Funes
04/01/2013, leg. M. Tapia

[ES] Figarol
Laguna dos Reinos
06/12/2015, leg. M. Tapia
[ES] Móstoles
Urbanización Parque Coimbra
28/05/1989, leg. F.D. Calonge
Fungi 22871 (MA)
[UK] Clifton
1880, leg. C. Bucknall
M-30409 (K)
[DE] Helgoland
29/01/1987, leg. T.R. Lohmeyer
s.n. (L)
[PL] Dąbroszyn
Schloss Tamsel
12/09/1922, leg. P. Vogel
s.n. (C)
previously Tamsel
[HU] Csévharaszt
Nature conservation area
24/09/1978, leg. H. Dissing
s.n. (C)
[FR] Saint-Simon-de-Pelouaille
20/01/2018, leg. P. Tanchaud

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