Pseudombrophila bulbifera

Coll. NV 2008.04.01
Coll. NV 2008.04.01
© N. Van Vooren

Pseudombrophila bulbifera (Durand) Brumm., Libri Bot., 14: 24 (1995).


Basionym Cubonia bulbifera Durand, in Hotson, Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 48: 242 (1912).

Diagnosis Plants single or gregarious, often crowded, sessile or narrowed to a stem-like base, turbinate, 3-10 mm. in diameter. Disk cupulate or saucer-shaped, the hymenium pale fawn-color, even when young, but in old specimens wrinkled in a cerebriform manner, externally much darker, becoming almost black with age, smooth or grumous; margin irregularly lacerate-dentate. Consistency subgelatinous, excipulum pseudoparenchymatous throughout, of nearly rounded cells, 20-25 µ in diameter, the cortical cells blackish, often protruding in groups. Asci clavate, apex rounded, not blue with iodine, 125 × 15 µ. Spores 8, uniseriate, hyaline, smooth, spherical, 12 µ diameter. Paraphyses slender, hyaline, only slightly thickened upward. Mycelium giving rise to numerous rounded, black bulbils, 75-100 µ diameter, composed of rountled cells about 20 µ diameter.
Cultivated on nutrient agar. Found on dog dung from Jamaica, Paestum (Italy), Guatemala and California, and pig dung from Guatemala.

Type J.W. Hotson 38 (NY) - lectotypus

Fimaria canina Calonge, BoL. Soc. micol. Castellana, 8: 23 (1984).
Cubonia dentata var. macrospora Grelet, Rev. mycol. (Paris), 9: 79 (1944), fide Brummelen (1995).
Cubonia hyracis Faurel & Schotter, Rev. mycol. (Paris), 30: 146 (1965), fide Brummelen (1995).
Fimaria trochospora Jeng & J.C.Krug, Can. J. Bot., 55 (24): 2996 (1978), fide Brummelen (1995).

MycoBank 413960


Benkert D. 2010. Seltene und kritische Pezizales-Funde (Ascomycota) aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Zeitschrift für Mykologie, 76 (1): 27-58.
Brummelen J. (van) 1995. A World-monograph of the genus Pseudombrophila (Pezizales, Ascomycotina). Libri Botanici, 14: 1-117.
Calonge F.D. 1984. Fimaria canina sp. nov., data to identify the species of the genus Fimaria. Boletín de la Sociedad Micologica Castellana, 8: 23-27.
Doveri F. 2004. Fungi Fimicoli Italici.
Grelet L.J. 1944. Les Discomycètes de France d'après la classification de Boudier (Douzième fascicule). Revue de mycologie, 9 (4): 78-99.
Hotson J.W. 1912. Contributions from the Cryptogamic Laboratories of Harvard University. No. LXX. Cultural studies of fungi producing bulbils and similar propagative bodies. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 48: 227-306.
Jeng R.S., Krug J.C. 1977. New records and new species of coprophilous Pezizales from Argentina and Venezuela. Canadian Journal of Botany, 55 (24): 2987-3000.
Moyne G. 2008. Pseudombrophila bulbifera (E.J. Durand) Brumm. Un champignon coprophile peu commun. Bulletin mycologique et botanique Dauphiné-Savoie, 191: 45-49.

Classification: Pseudombrophilaceae, Pseudombrophila

Created on 01/08/2017.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


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