Coll. LY N.V. 2015.10.01 © N. Van Vooren | | | | | |
Phylloscypha retrocurvatoides (Van Vooren) Van Vooren, Ascomycete.org, 12 (4): 189 (2020).
Basionym Peziza retrocurvatoides Van Vooren, Mycol. Progress, 17 (1-2): 73 (2017).
Diagnosis Differs from Peziza retrocurvata by its lighter colour, without dark purplish tinges, the presence of a whitish latex in the flesh and by growth on rotten wood of broad-leaved tree. Microscopically, it differs by the type of pigment in the paraphyses and the amyloid reaction of asci localised only at the top.
Type LY N.V. 2015.10.01 - holotypus
MycoBank 835825
Van Vooren N. 2017. Contribution à la connaissance des Pézizales (Ascomycota) en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – 3e partie. Cahiers de la FMBDS, 5: 1-126.
Van Vooren N. 2020. Reinstatement of old taxa and publication of new genera for naming some lineages of the Pezizaceae (Ascomycota). Ascomycete.org, 12 (4): 179-192.
Van Vooren N., Dougoud R., Fellmann B. 2017. Contribution to the knowledge of Peziza with multiguttulate ascospores, including P. retrocurvatoides sp. nov. Mycological Progress, 17 (1-2): 65-76.
Classification: Pezizaceae, Phylloscypha
Created on 20/03/2018.
Updated on 07/08/2023.