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Paurocotylis watlingii Healy & M.E. Sm., Fung. Biol., 121 (3) : 278 (2017).
Basionym Paurocotylis watlingii Healy & M.E. Sm., Fung. Biol., 121 (3) : 278 (2017).
Diagnosis Paurocotylis watlingii is an Australian species distinguished from other Paurocotylis species by its distinct ITS sequence and combination of brown tomentose ascoma, modified epithecium in which paraphyses are indeterminate, lack of glebal cavity, and relatively large spores.
Type FLAS F-59172 - holotypus
MycoBank 819377
Kumar L.M., Smith M.E., Nouhra E.R., Orihara T., Sandoval P., Pfister D.H., McLaughlin D.J., Trappe J.M., Healy R.A. 2017. A molecular and morphological re-examination of the generic limits of truffles in the Tarzetta-Geopyxis lineage – Densocarpa, Hydnocystis, and Paurocotylis. Fungal Biology, 121 (3): 264-284.
Classification: Tarzettaceae, Paurocotylis
Created on 15/08/2017.
Updated on 07/08/2023.