Eremiomyces innocentii

Coll. FLAS 58918
Coll. FLAS 58918
© M.E. Smith

Paragalactinia eriniae (M.E. Sm.) M.E. Sm. & Van Vooren,, 12 (4): 189 (2020).


Basionym Peziza eriniae M.E. Sm., N. Amer. Fungi, 9 (4): 3 (2014).

Diagnosis Differs from all other species of Peziza due to a combination of morphological features that include fully enclosed and hypogeous ascomata without any obvious openings, lactiferous hyphae that produce yellowish latex, a yellow-orange spongy gleba composed of small, irregular folds of tissue creating a labyrinthine appearance, immature asci that are strongly dextrinoid but upon maturity are more-or-less amyloid over the ascus apex, and finely ornamented ascospores that are biserately to irregularly arranged within the asci.

Type FLAS 58918 - holotypus

MycoBank 835931

1) The original epithet was erini.


Smith M.E. 2014. A new hypogeous Peziza species that forms ectomycorrhizas with Quercus in California. North American fungi, 9 (4): 1-10.
Van Vooren N. 2020. Reinstatement of old taxa and publication of new genera for naming some lineages of the Pezizaceae (Ascomycota)., 12 (4): 179-192.

Classification: Pezizaceae, Paragalactinia

Created on 25/08/2017.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


Collections List

[US] Browns Valley
Sierra Foothill Research & Extension Center
24/04/2013, leg. M.E. Smith
58918 (FLAS)
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