Marcelleina benkertii

Coll. NV 2012.08.13
Coll. NV 2012.08.13
© B. Jeannerot
Coll. NV 2012.08.13
Coll. NV 2012.08.13

Microcharacters 10 µm
© N. Van Vooren

Pachyella punctispora Pfister, Can. J. Bot., 51 (11): 2019 (1973).


Basionym Pachyella punctispora Pfister, Can. J. Bot., 51 (11): 2019 (1973).

Diagnosis Apothecium bubalinum usque ad 2.5 cm diam, planum. Asci cylindracei, jodo caerulescentes, usque ad 450 µm longi, 19-25 µm diam, octospori. Ascospori elipsoidei, biguttulati, 12-15 × 21-25 µm, verrucati, hyalini. Paraphyses usque ad 8 µm diam rectae brunneae.
Typus: On wet wood, Gorge of Carp Creek, Cheboygan Co., Michigan, 27.VI.I969, N. J. Smith (CUP 52285).

Type CUP 52285 - holotypus

Homotypic Peziza punctispora (Pfister) Donadini, Doc. mycol., 11 (41): 26 (1980).

MycoBank 319089


Çolak Ö.F., Şen I., Alkan N., Işiloğlu M. 2015. A new and interesting Peziza record from Sweet Gum Forest in Turkey. Mantar Dergisi, 6 (1): 10-12.
Donadini J.C. 1980. Le genre Peziza Linné per Saint Amans. Sous-genre Pachyella Boudier nov. comb. Documents mycologiques, 11 (41): 25-26.
Häffner J. 1992. Die Gattungen Psilopezia und Pachyella, die psilopezioiden Pilze im engeren Sinn. Teil 2 - Pachyella. Rheinland-Pfälzisches Pilzjournal, 1 (2): 118-161.
Pfister D.H. 1973. The psilopezioid fungi. IV. The genus Pachyella (Pezizales). Canadian Journal of Botany, 51 (11): 2009-2023.
Pfister D.H., Candoussau F. 1981. The Psilopezioid fungi. VIII. Additions to the genus Pachyella. Mycotaxon, 13 (3): 457-464.

Classification: Pezizaceae, Pachyella

Created on 16/07/2015.

Updated on 03/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] Saint-Vincent
Forêt de Mourle
31/08/2012, leg. B. Jeannerot
NV 2012.08.13 
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