Coll. NV 2009.07.01 © J.L. Pérez Butrón | Coll. NV 2009.07.01
Microcharacters 10 µm © N. Van Vooren | | | | |
Otidea daliensis W.Y. Zhuang & Korf, Mycotaxon, 35 (2): 300 (1989).
Basionym Otidea daliensis W.Y. Zhuang & Korf, Mycotaxon, 35 (2): 300 (1989).
Diagnosis Ab speciebus aliis Otideae characteribus consociatis apotheciorum parvorum (3-9 mm diam) discoideorum, ascosporis magnis (18-21 × 10-12 µm), et ascis magnis (172-205 × 15-17 µm) differens.
Type HMAS 57688 - holotypus
Pseudotis apophysata (Cooke & W. Phillips) Boud., Hist. class. discom. Eur.: 52 (1907), s. Boudier (1905-1910), non Cooke (1876).
MycoBank 126008
Boudier E. 1905-1910. Icones mycologicæ.
Olariaga I., Van Vooren N., Carbone M., Hansen K. 2015. A monograph of Otidea (Pyronemataceae, Pezizomycetes). Persoonia, 35: 166-229.
Pérez-Butrón J.L., Fernández Vicente J. 2008. Otidea apophysata, en la península ibérica. Errotari, 5: 36-43.
Van Vooren N. 2011. Le genre Otidea. V. Otidea apophysata et ses interprétations. Bulletin mycologique et botanique Dauphiné-Savoie, 200-201: 165-174.
Zhuang W.Y., Korf R.P. 1989. Some new species and new records of Discomycetes in China. III. Mycotaxon, 35 (2): 297-312.
Classification: Otideaceae, Otidea
Created on 30/03/2016.
Updated on 06/08/2023.