Octospora wrightii

Coll. MV210406-01
Coll. MV210406-01
© M. Vega
Iconotypus (Pl. XV. fig. 16)
Iconotypus (Pl. XV. fig. 16)
Coll. RM2572
Coll. RM2572
© R. Martínez

Octospora wrightii (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) J. Moravec, Česká Mykol., 23: 227 (1969).


Basionym Peziza wrightii Berk. & M.A. Curtis, Ann. Mag. Natur. Hist., ser. 3, 15: 444 (1865).

Diagnosis 1064. P. (Humaria) Wrightii, Berk. & Curt. Cupulis hemisphaericis, demum planis, coccineis, extus furfuraceo-granulatis; sporidiis globosis, l. subglobosis, junioribus laevibus, adultis echinulatis.
On trunks of trees covered with Hypnum serpens. Bodelwyddan, Flintshire, March 1864.
Sporidia .00045-.0006 inch in diameter; paraphyses slender, branched.
The Texas plant is just the same, and agrees exactly in habit.
Plate XV. fig. 16, a. asci, magnified; b. paraphysis; c. sporidia, more highly magnified.

Type K(M) 30403 - holotypus

Homotypic Barlaea wrightii (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc., Syll. Fung., 8: 112 (1889) ; Humaria wrightii (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Boud., Hist. Classif. Discom. Eur.: 68 (1907) ; Barlaeina wrightii (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. & Traverso, Syll. Fung., 19: 140 (1910) ; Lamprospora wrightii (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Seaver, Mycologia, 6 (1): 15 (1914).

MycoBank 335283


Benkert D. 1998. Beiträge zur Kenntnis bryophiler Pezizales-Arten. 6. Wrightoideae, eine neue Sektion der Gattung Octospora. Zeitschrift für Mykologie, 64 (1): 17-40.
Berkeley M.J., Broome C.E. 1865. XLVII. — Notices of British Fungi. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, ser. III, 15: 444-452.
Brouwer E. 1999. Mosschijfjes (Lamprospora en Octospora): voorkomen en verspreiding in Nederland. Coolia, 42 (1): 2-20.
Caillet M., Moyne G. 1980. Contribution à l'étude du genre Octospora Hedw. ex S.F.Gray emend Le Gal. Espèces à spores ornementées globuleuses ou subglobuleuses. Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France, 96 (2): 175-211.
Dennis R.W.G, Itzerott H. 1973. Octospora and Inermisia in Western Europe. Kew Bulletin, 28 (1): 5-23.
Eckstein J., Eckstein G. 2009. Bryoparasitische Pezizales (Ascomycetes) der Gattungen Lamprospora, Octospora und Neottiella im Alten Botanischen Garten von Göttingen. Herzogia, 22: 213-228.
Engel H., Hanff B. 1985. In Nordwestoberfranken gefundene Arten der Gattung Octospora Hedwig ex S. F. Gray. Die Pilzflora Nordwestoberfrankens, 9: 3-20.
Itzerott H. 1981. Die Gattung Octospora mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Pfälzer Arten. Nova Hedwigia, 34: 265-280.
Keizer P.J. 1987. Octospora wrightii in Nederland. Coolia, 30 (4): 83-85.
Kristiansen R. 1985. Sjeldne og interessante discomyceter (Pezizales) fra Syd-Norge. Agarica, 6 (12): 387-453.
Kristiansen R. 2006. Miniatyrbegersopper nye for Norge. Agarica, 26: 69-77.
Lisická E., Moravec J. 1987. Czechoslovak records. 27. Octospora wrightii (Berk. et Curt.) J. Moravec. Česká Mykologie, 41 (4): 234-237.
Moravec J. 1969. Některé operkulátní diskomycety nalezené v okresech Mladá Boleslav a Jičín. Česká Mykologie, 23 (4): 222-235.
Ribollet P. 2015. Contribution à la connaissance des genres Octospora Hedw. 1789 et Lamprospora De Not. 1864 en Loire-Atlantique. Première partie : le genre Octospora Hedw. 1789. Cahiers mycologiques Nantais, 27: 3-12.
Rubio E., Suárez A., Miranda M.A. 2000. El genero Octospora Hedw.: S.F. Gray (Ascomycetes, Pezizales) en Asturias y Leon. Boletín Sociedad Micológica de Madrid, 25: 111-126.
Seaver F.J. 1914. A preliminary study of the genus Lamprospora. Mycologia, 6 (1): 5-24.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Octospora

Created on 13/04/2021.

Updated on 14/08/2023.


Collections List

[DE] Hamburg
Horner Landstrasse, VW-Parkplatz
15/03/2012, leg. M. Vega

Source: Ascomycete.org
[DE] Berlin
Garnisonsfriedhof Columbiadamm
04/05/2013, leg. M. Vega

Source: Ascomycete.org
[IE] Dublin
National Botanic Gardens
14/04/2013, leg. M. Vega

Source: Ascomycete.org
[DE] Hamburg
NSG Boberger Niederung
04/01/2014, leg. M. Vega

Source: Ascomycete.org
[DE] Hamburg
NSG Boberger Niederung
06/04/2021, leg. M. Vega
Source: Ascomycete.org
[DE] Hamburg
01/01/2015, leg. M. Vega

Source: Ascomycete.org
[DE] Berlin
Georgen Parochial Friedhof
16/01/2015, leg. M. Vega
Source: Ascomycete.org
[IT] Milano
29/04/2015, leg. M. Vega
Source: Ascomycete.org
[UK] Sheffield
General Cemetery
10/05/2015, leg. M. Vega
Source: Ascomycete.org
[UK] Edinburgh
Rosebank Cemetery
31/10/2015, leg. M. Vega
Source: Ascomycete.org
[DE] Hamburg
Hauptfriedhof Altona
06/03/2016, leg. M. Vega
Source: Ascomycete.org
[DE] Hamburg
Friedhof Öjendorf
14/05/2017, leg. M. Vega
Source: Ascomycete.org
[AT] Wien
Oberer Reisenbergweg
10/11/2019, leg. M. Vega

Source: Ascomycete.org
[ES] Anguiano
13/12/2019, leg. R. Martinez
Source: Ascomycete.org
[HU] Mónosbél
03/04/2018, leg. C. Németh
Source: Ascomycete.org
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