Octospora tucumanensis

Coll. LIL159229
Coll. LIL159229
© M. Catania & G. Suárez

Octospora tucumanensis Catania & G. M. Suárez, Mycol. Progress, 22: 8 (2023).


Basionym Octospora tucumanensis Catania & G. M. Suárez, Mycol. Progress, 22: 8 (2023).

Diagnosis Octospora tucumanensis resembles Octospora americana but differs from it by the ascospores size, ornamentation consisting of regularly distributed warts (different size and morphology) with striate surface; and its ecology, only infecting the rhizoids of Dimerodontium balansae.

Type LIL159229 - holotypus

MycoBank 848265


Suárez G.M., Dominguez F.G., Pajot H., Flores J.R., del Valle Catania M. 2023. Octospora tucumanensis (Pezizales), a new bryophilous ascomycete on Dimerodontium balansae (Bryophyta) from Argentina. Mycological Progress, 22: .

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Octospora

Created on 27/07/2023.

Updated on 16/08/2023.


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