Coll. PRM 954007 © Z. Sochorová |  Coll. PRM 954007 Ascospores (in CB) © J. Eckstein | | | | |
Octospora doebbeleri Sochorová & Eckstein, Sydowia, 73: 239 (2021).
Basionym Octospora doebbeleri Sochorová & Eckstein, Sydowia, 73: 239 (2021).
Diagnosis Differs from known species of Octospora by the following combination of characters: apothecia with a thin margin, ellipsoid to narrowly ellipsoid, binucleate ascospores ornamented with isolated warts, and infections on rhizoids of Dicranoweisia cirrata.
Type PRM 954007 - holotypus
MycoBank 836340
Sochorová Z., Eckstein J., Sedlářová M., Sochor M. 2021. Octospora doebbeleri, a new bryophilous species on Dicranoweisia cirrata. Sydowia, 73: 233-244.
Classification: Pyronemataceae, Octospora
Created on 14/04/2021.
Updated on 14/08/2023.