Neottiella aphanodictyon

Coll. 1996-06-06
Coll. 1996-06-06
© M. Poulain

Neottiella aphanodictyon (Kobayasi) Dissing, Korf & Sivertsen, Mycotaxon, 16 (2): 458 (1983).


Basionym Aleuria aphanodictyon Kobayasi, Ann. Rep. Instit. Ferment. Osaka, 3: 39 (1967).

Diagnosis Apothecia cupuliformia, sessilia, 3-8 mm in diam., margine irregulariter dentata, hymenio plano vel paulo concavo, clare aurantia (ut Aleuria aurantia), externe levia, concolorata. Asci 220-230 × 14-16 µ, J-, 8-spori. Ascosporae ellipsoideae 20-22 × 11-13 µ, obscuriter et subtiliter reticulatae, hyalinae, 2-guttulatae. Paraphyses simplices, filiformes 2-3-septatae, 3 µ crassae, apice clavatae 6-7 µ crassae, aurantiacae.

Type ???

Leucoscypha borealis Eckblad, Nytt Mag. Bot., 15 (1-2): 52 (1968); Octospora borealis (Eckblad) Caillet & Moyne, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 103 (3): 218 (1987); Neottiella borealis (Eckblad) Caillet & Moyne, Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Doubs, 84: 15 (1991), inval.

MycoBank 109114


Dissing H., Sivertsen S. 1983. Operculate discomycetes from Rana (Norway) 5. Rhodoscypha gen. nov. and Rhodotarzetta gen. nov. Mycotaxon, 16 (2): 441-460.
Kobayasi Y., Hiratsuka N., Korf R.P., Tubaki K., Aoshima K., Soneda M., Sugiyama J. 1967. Mycological studies of the Alaskan Arctic. Annual Report of the Institute for Fermentation Osaka, 3: 1-138.
Poulain M., Moyne G. 1997. Octospora borealis (Eckblad) Caillet & Moyne = Leucoscypha borealis Eckblad. Bulletin trimestriel de la Fédération mycologique Dauphiné-Savoie, 144: 147-150.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Neottiella

Created on 24/06/2015.

Updated on 02/08/2023.


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