Saccobolus minimoides

Coll. SRC688
Coll. SRC688
© M.E. Smith

Myrmecocystis cerebriformis Harkn., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. III (Botany), 1 (8): 269 (1899).


Basionym Myrmecocystis cerebriformis Harkn., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. III (Botany), 1 (8): 269 (1899).

Diagnosis Minute, 1 cm. in diam., color white or pale citron, lobed, verrucose, enclosed; gleba white, marked by an irregularly stellate-formed cavity without regular lines, the structure composed of large and uniform cells; asci subglobose or slightly elongated, 8-spored; spores globose, 24 µ in diam.

Type ex herb. Harkness no. 25 (BPI) - holotypus

Homotypic Genea cerebriformis (Harkn.) Gilkey, Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot., 6: 304 (1916) ; Genabea cerebriformis (Harkn.) Trappe, Mycotaxon, 2: 118 (1975).

Pseudogenea californica E. Fisch., Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges., 25: 372 (1907), fide Trappe (1975).
Myrmecocystis candida Harkn., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. III (Botany), 1 (8): 269 (1899), fide Trappe (1975).
Pseudogenea vallumbrosae Bucholtz, in Matt., Malpighia, 14: 250 (1900), fide Trappe (1975); Myrmecocystis vallumbrosae (Bucholtz) E. Fisch., Bot. Z., 66: 147 (1908).

MycoBank 204940


Alvarado P., Healy R., Moreno G., Cabero J., Scholler M., Schneider A., Vizzini A., Kaounas V., Vidal J.M., Hensel G., Rubio E., Mujic A., Smith M.E. 2018. Phylogenetic studies in Genabea, Myrmecocystis, and related genera. Mycologia, 110 (2): 401-418.
Fischer E. 1907. Über einige kalifornische Hypogaeen. Berichte der Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft, 25: 372-376.
Fischer E. 1908. Zur Morphologie der Hypogaeen. Botanische Zeitung, 66: 141-168.
Harkness H.W. 1899. Californian Hypogaeous Fungi. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, 3rd series, 1 (8): 241-292.
Smith M.E., Trappe J.M., Rizzo D.M. 2006. Genea, Genabea and Gilkeya gen. nov.: ascomata and ectomycorrhiza formation in a Quercus woodland. Mycologia, 98 (5): 699-716.
Trappe J.M. 1975. Generic synonyms in the Tuberales. Mycotaxon, 2 (1): 109-122.
Zhang B.C. 1991. Taxonomic status of Genabea, with two new species of Genea (Pezizales). Mycological Research, 95 (8): 986-994.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Myrmecocystis

Created on 22/05/2015.

Updated on 01/08/2023.


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