Coll. 2015-05-26 © R. Pastorino | | | | | |
Morchella snyderi M. Kuo & Methven, Mycologia, 104 (5): 1173 (2012).
Basionym Morchella snyderi M. Kuo & Methven, Mycologia, 104 (5): 1173 (2012).
Diagnosis Ascomata 60–140 mm alta; capitulum conicum; costae pallidae, brunnescens aetate; hymenium sufflavum vel fulvum; stipes lacunosus aetate; biotopium in silvis coniferibus in occidenti America septentrionalis; sporae 25–37 × 15–23 mm. Holotypus: Biotopium in silvis coniferibus; USA, in Idahoense, ad Kootenai County; N. S. Weber 6554 col.; specimen typicum in Herb. OSC (139277) conservatum.
Type #139277 (OSC) - holotypus
MycoBank 563959
Carris L.M., Peever T.L., McCotter S.W. 2015. Mitospore stages of Disciotis, Gyromitra and Morchella in the inland Pacific Northwest USA. Mycologia, 107 (4): 729-744.
Kuo M., Dewsbury D.R., O’Donnell K., Carter M.C., Rehner S.A., Moore J.D., Moncalvo J.M., Canfield S.A., Stephenson S.L., Methven A.S., Volk T.J. 2012. Taxonomic revision of true morels (Morchella) in Canada and the United States. Mycologia, 104 (5): 1159-1177.
Classification: Morchellaceae, Morchella
Created on 02/04/2016.
Updated on 06/08/2023.