Morchella dunalii

Coll. HRL0664
Coll. HRL0664
© R. Lebeuf

Morchella septentrionalis M. Kuo, J.D. Moore & Zordani, Mycologia, 104 (5): 1175 (2012).


Basionym Morchella septentrionalis M. Kuo, J.D. Moore & Zordani, Mycologia, 104 (5): 1175 (2012).

Diagnosis Ascomata 40-75 mm alta; capitulum conicum vel subclavatum; costae fuscae, nigrescentes aetate; hymenium fulvum usque fuscum; biotopium in silva frondosa in alta America septentrionalis; sporae 20-22 x 11-15 µm. Holotypus: Biotopium sub Populus grandidentata Michx.; USA, in Michiganense, ad Cheboygan County; R. Zordani col.; specimen typicum in Herb. F (05110405) conservatum.

Type leg. R. Zordani, 05110405 (F) - holotypus

Morchella angusticeps Peck, Ann. Rep. New York State Mus. Nat. Hist., 32: 44 (1879), fide Clowez (2012).

MycoBank 563961


Clowez P. 2012. Les Morilles. Une nouvelle approche mondiale du genre Morchella. Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France, 126 (3-4): 199-384.
Clowez P., Moreau P.-A. 2020. Morilles de France et d'Europe.
Kuo M., Dewsbury D.R., O’Donnell K., Carter M.C., Rehner S.A., Moore J.D., Moncalvo J.M., Canfield S.A., Stephenson S.L., Methven A.S., Volk T.J. 2012. Taxonomic revision of true morels (Morchella) in Canada and the United States. Mycologia, 104 (5): 1159-1177.
Richard F., Bellanger J.M., Clowez P., Hansen K., O'Donnell K., Urban A., Sauve M., Courtecuisse R., Moreau P.A. 2015. True morels (Morchella, Pezizales) of Europe and North America: evolutionary relationships inferred from multilocus data and a unified taxonomy. Mycologia, 107 (2): 359-382.

Classification: Morchellaceae, Morchella

Created on 01/04/2016.

Updated on 06/08/2023.


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