Morchella rufobrunnea

Coll. ML51101MR
Coll. ML51101MR
© M. Loizides
Coll. ML674/12
Coll. ML674/12
© M. Loizides

Morchella rufobrunnea Guzmán & F. Tapia, Mycologia, 90 (4): 706 (1998).


Basionym Morchella rufobrunnea Guzmán & F. Tapia, Mycologia, 90 (4): 706 (1998).

Diagnosis Ascomata (60–) 90–155 (–210) mm alta, conica vel subcylindrico-ovoidea, hymenio griseo vel spadiceo flavido, coste longitudinales vel inaequalis albidae vel griseae, maculis brunneis vel aurantiaco-brunnescentibus vel ferrugineis. Stipes (20–) 30–70 (–90) × 10–25 mm, albidus vel subgriseus, basis venosus, fusco-griseus, maculatus similis hymenio. Sporae in cumulo subaurantius vel flavidus subaurantius. Asci (280–) 300–360 (–380) × 16–20 µm, operculatus, tenuitunicatum, octosporus, inamyloideus. Sporae (19–) 20–24 (–25.5) × (13–) 14–16 (–17) µm maturae, (11– 14.5–19 (–20) × (8–) 9–10 (–11) µm immaturae, hyalinae, ovoideae, inamyloideae. Paraphyses 90–84 × (8–) 10–18.5 µm [vel immaturae × (5–) 6–9 (–10.5) µm], hyalinae, basis septatae.
Holotypus. Habitat terra arenosa, in sylvae subtropicalis, in horto cum Quercus, Liquidambar; Clethra et Alnus, 1350 m altitudinis, Mexico, prope Veracruz, ad Xalapa, Guzmán 31565 XAL.

Type coll. Guzmán 31565 (XAL) - holotypus

MycoBank 445064


Barseghyan G.S., Wasser S.P. 2013. Operculate discomycetes (Pezizales, Ascomycota) of Israel.
Clowez P., Moreau P.-A. 2020. Morilles de France et d'Europe.
Guzmán G., Tapia F. 1998. The known morels in Mexico, a description of a new blushing species, Morchella rufobrunnea, and new data on M. guatemalensis. Mycologia, 90 (4): 705-714.
Kuo M. 2008. Morchella tomentosa, a new species from western North America and notes on M. rufobrunnea. Mycotaxon, 105: 441-446.
Loizides M., Alvarado P., Clowez P., Moreau P.A., Romero de la Osa L., Palazón A. 2015. Morchella tridentina, M. rufobrunnea, and M. kakiicolor: a study of three poorly known Mediterranean morels, with nomenclatural updates in section Distantes. Mycological Progress, 14 (3): 1-18.
Masaphy S., Zabari L., Goldberg D. 2009. New long-season ecotype of Morchella rufobrunnea from northern Israel. Micologia Aplicada International, 21 (2): 45-55.
Richard F., Bellanger J.M., Clowez P., Hansen K., O'Donnell K., Urban A., Sauve M., Courtecuisse R., Moreau P.A. 2015. True morels (Morchella, Pezizales) of Europe and North America: evolutionary relationships inferred from multilocus data and a unified taxonomy. Mycologia, 107 (2): 359-382.

Classification: Morchellaceae, Morchella

Created on 29/03/2016.

Updated on 05/08/2023.


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