Coll. Taskin 117 (ANK) © H. Taşkın | | | | | |
Morchella galilaea S. Masaphy & Clowez, in Clowez, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 126 (3-4): 238 (2012).
Basionym Morchella galilaea S. Masaphy & Clowez, in Clowez, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 126 (3-4): 238 (2012).
Diagnosis Ascoma parvum, longe ovoideum (3–5 cm altum) ; pileo satis regulari, dilute ochraceo-flavo, cum haud multis amplis alveolis ; stipite cylindrico satis gracili, ad apicem attenuato et ad basim dilatato. Sub Fraxino syriaco. Holotypus : Israël, leg. S. Masaphy, MS1-52. (in herbario « Applied Microbiology and Mycology Department, MIGAL, Kiryat Shmona and Tel Hai Academic College, Upper Galilee, Israel » conservatur).
Type MS1-52 (MIGAL) - holotypus
MycoBank 564305
Clowez P. 2012. Les Morilles. Une nouvelle approche mondiale du genre Morchella. Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France, 126 (3-4): 199-384.
Clowez P., Moreau P.-A. 2020. Morilles de France et d'Europe.
Richard F., Bellanger J.M., Clowez P., Hansen K., O'Donnell K., Urban A., Sauve M., Courtecuisse R., Moreau P.A. 2015. True morels (Morchella, Pezizales) of Europe and North America: evolutionary relationships inferred from multilocus data and a unified taxonomy. Mycologia, 107 (2): 359-382.
Taşkın H., Büyükalaca S., Hansen K., O'Donnell K. 2012. Multilocus phylogenetic analysis of true morels (Morchella) reveals high levels of endemics in Turkey relative to other regions of Europe. Mycologia, 104 (2): 446-461.
Taşkin H., Doğan H.H., Büyükalaca S. 2015. Morchella galilaea, an autumn species from Turkey. Mycotaxon, 130: 215-221.
Classification: Morchellaceae, Morchella
Created on 02/04/2016.
Updated on 06/08/2023.