Morchella fekeensis

Coll. ANK Taşkın 101
Coll. ANK Taşkın 101
© H. Taşkın

Morchella fekeensis H.H. Doğan, Taşkın & Büyükalaca, Mycotaxon, 131: 472 (2016).


Basionym Morchella fekeensis H.H. Doğan, Taşkın & Büyükalaca, Mycotaxon, 131: 472 (2016).

Diagnosis Differs from Morchella brunnea and M. snyderi, its reciprocally monophyletic sister species in the western United States, by its genealogical exclusivity in a multigene phylogenetic analysis and apparent endemism in Turkey

Type ANK Taşkın 101 - holotypus

MycoBank 813587


Taşkın H., Büyükalaca S., Hansen K., O'Donnell K. 2012. Multilocus phylogenetic analysis of true morels (Morchella) reveals high levels of endemics in Turkey relative to other regions of Europe. Mycologia, 104 (2): 446-461.
Taşkin H., Doğan H.H., Büyükalaca S., Clowez P., Moreau P.A., O'Donnell K. 2016. Four new morel (Morchella) species in the elata subclade (M. sect. Distantes) from Turkey. Mycotaxon, 131 (2): 215-221.

Classification: Morchellaceae, Morchella

Created on 13/11/2016.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


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[TK] Yozgat
Akdağ madeni
Taşkın 101 (ANK)
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