Coll. 2013-08-12 © D. Kelly |  Coll. 2013-08-12
Microcharacters © D. Kelly | | | | |
Melastiza contorta (Massee & Crossl.) Spooner & Y.J. Yao, Mycotaxon, 53: 469 (1995).
Basionym Lachnea contorta Massee & Crossl., Naturalist, 1901: 182 (1901).
Diagnosis Lachnea contorta Mass.&Crossl. (sp. nov.) -PI. I, figs. 7-11. Ascophores crowded and irregular in form, due to lateral pressure, closed when young, gradually becoming plane, but with a persistent erect margin, disc vermilion, externally paler, up to 1 cm. across; spines almost hyaline or tinged yellow, slightly tapering, apex obtuse, multiseptate, longest at the margin, where they average 300 × 12 µ, wall thin; hypothecium and excipulum formed of interwoven hyphae, passing into a large-celled parenchymatous cortex; asci cylindrical, apex obtuse, 8-spored, 300 × 14-15 µ; spores elliptical, ends obtuse, smooth, hyaline, 23-25 × 12 µ, eguttulate; paraphyses slender, apex rather abruptly subglobose, red.
On naked ground, Selby, Mid West Yorkshire (G. Massee).
Type K(M) 30089 - holotypus
Homotypic Ciliaria contorta (Massee & Crossl.) Boud., Hist. class. discom. Eur.: 61 (1907).
Melastiza scotica Graddon, Trans. Br. mycol. Soc., 44 (4): 609 (1961); Aleuria scotica (Graddon) J. Moravec, Czech Mycol., 47 (4): 255 (1994).
MycoBank 363199
Anonyme 1986. Atlas, pl. 243 et dessins au trait - Melastiza scotica Graddon. Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France, 102: .
Graddon W.D. 1961. British records, 60-62. Melastiza scotica sp.nov., Belonopsis iridis comb.nov. and Belonopsis lacustris var. caricinum. Transactions of the British mycological Society, 44 (4): 609-612.
Häffner J. 1986. Melastiza Boudier - Problemfälle im Gattungs- und Artenkonzept. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pilze Mitteleuropas, 2: 183-192.
Lassueur R. 1980. Révision du genre Melastiza Boudier. Documents mycologiques, 11 (42): 1-45.
Massee G., Crossland C. 1901. New British Discomycetes. Part I. The Naturalist, 1901: 177-189.
Moravec J. 1994. Melastiza (Boud.) comb. et stat. nov. - a subgenus of the genus Aleuria Fuck. emend. nov. (Discomycetes, Pezizales). Czech Mycology, 47 (4): 237-259.
Muñoz Sánchez J.A. 1987. Contribución al estudio de los Ascomycetes: Melastiza scotica Graddon. Un raro Ascomycete recogido en Vizcaya. Belarra, 1 (2): 75-79.
Röllin O. 1986. Melastiza scotica Graddon. Bulletin trimestriel de la Fédération mycologique Dauphiné-Savoie, 103: 16-17.
Yao Y.J., Spooner B.M. 1995. New combinations in Melastiza and Scutellinia (Pezizales). Mycotaxon, 53: 467-477.
Classification: Pyronemataceae, Melastiza
Created on 20/06/2015.
Updated on 02/08/2023.