Mattirolomyces terfezioides

Coll. PR 3841
Coll. PR 3841
© P. Roux
© Mattirolo

Mattirolomyces terfezioides (Mattir.) E. Fisch., Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, 5b: 39 (1938).


Basionym Choiromyces terfezioides Mattir., Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino, Ser. 2, 38: 384 (1888).

Diagnosis Dictio diagnostica. Fungus hypogaeus aut penitus hypogaeus, arrhizus, varius, globosus vel globoso-mammosus, tegumento levi, continuo, tenui praeditus. Aetate colore variat, initio amoene ochraceo-rubiginosus dein ochraceus cinerascens. Caro lardacea aquoso-carnosa, initio pallidula albido-rosea, dein pallidula ochraceo-rubiginosa ; venis aeriferis albidis numerosis se se anastomosantibus variegata. Exsiccatione summopere contrahitur. Asci ovato-oblongi, non rare leviter incurvati, brevi pedunculo elongati, octospori. Long. 123, Lat. 55 microm. Sporae sphaericae, maturae leviter luteolae, poene areolatae areolis plerumque exagonatis. Diam. 18 microm. Fungi, Solani aut Helianthi Tubera plane referentes. Immaturi vix odorantes, maturi odore graveolente ingratissimo notati. Immaturi forsan a nonnullis esculenti judicari possunt; maturi tamen, ob eorum nauseantem ingratissimum odorem comedi posse haud credam.< br/>Hab. In Arvis prope Testona (Moncalieri- Piemonte) hieme et ineunte vere non infrequens.

Type ???

Homotypic Terfezia terfezioides (Mattir.) Trappe, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 57 (1): 91 (1971).

MycoBank 255072


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Healy R.A., Kovács G.M. 2010. Ultrastructural observations on the ascomata and ascospores of the truffle Mattirolomyces terfezioides. Botany, 88 (1): 85-92.
Khare K.B. 1975. Terfezia terfezioides, a new record for India. Current Science, 44: 601-602.
Kiràly I., Bratek Z. 1992. Terfezia terfezoides a common truffle in Hungary. Micologia e Vegetazione Mediterranea, 7 (1): 43-45.
Konstantinidis G., Kaounas V. 2014. Hydnotrya tulasnei and Mattirolomyces terfezioides (Pezizales) two hypogeous fungi that rarely appear in Greece., 6 (1): 1-4.
Kovács G.M., Jakucs E., Bagi I. 2007. Identification of host plants and description of sclerotia of the truffle Mattirolomyces terfezioides. Mycological Progress, 6 (1): 19-26.
Ławrynowicz M., Marković M., Milenković M., Ivančević B. 1997. Terfezia terfezioides - a new hypogeous fungus for Balkan Peninsula. Acta Mycologica, 32: 233-238.
Martínez F., García F. 2001. Terfezia terfezioides (Matt.) Trappe, en toronger. Butlletí de la Societat Micològica Valenciana, 6: 249-250.
Mattirolo O. 1888. Illustrazione di tre nuove specie di tuberacee italiane. Memorie della Reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, 38: 377-393.
Percudani R., Trevisi A., Zambonelli A. 1999. Molecular phylogeny of truffles (Pezizales: Terfeziaceae, Tuberaceae) derived from nuclear rDNA sequence analysis. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 13 (1): 169-180.
Trappe J.M. 1971. A synopsis of the Carbomycetaceae and Terfeziaceae (Tuberales). Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 57 (1): 85-92.
Zhang B.C. 1992. Chinese hypogeous mycoflora: Terfeziaceae, new species and new records. Micologia e Vegetazione Mediterranea, 7 (1): 39-42.

Classification: Pezizaceae, Mattirolomyces

Created on 25/05/2015.

Updated on 01/08/2023.


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