Coll. MV 180702-01 © M. Vega | | | | | |
Lasiocupulina mediterranea Van Vooren & M. Vega,, 10 (6): 221 (2018).
Basionym Lasiocupulina mediterranea Van Vooren & M. Vega,, 10 (6): 221 (2018).
Diagnosis Differs morphologically from the most similar Cupulina ascophanoides by its smaller ascospores, its fringed margin made of short, hyaline to light brown-yellow hairs, and its growth at a lower elevation.
Type MV180702-01 (HBG) - holotypus
MycoBank 828903
Van Vooren N., Vega M. 2018. Lasiocupulina mediterranea (Pezizales), a new genus and species from Albania., 10 (6): 221-227.
Classification: Pyronemataceae, Lasiocupulina
Created on 19/01/2019.
Updated on 08/08/2023.