Lamprospora paechnatzii

Coll. 2015-01-11
Coll. 2015-01-11
© P. Ribollet
Coll. 2015-01-11
Coll. 2015-01-11

© P. Ribollet

Coll. JE 11505
Coll. JE 11505
© J. Eckstein
Coll. 2015-12-29
Coll. 2015-12-29

Microcharacters 10 µm
© J. Eckstein

Lamprospora tuberculata Seaver, Mycologia, 4 (2): 47 (1912).


Basionym Lamprospora tuberculata Seaver, Mycologia, 4 (2): 47 (1912).

Diagnosis Plants small, 0.5–1 mm. in diameter, hymenium gradually expanding, at maturity plane or slightly convex, bordered by a delicate fringe, pale orange; hymenium roughened by the protruding asci; asci cylindric, operculate, 15–18 µ in diameter; spores globose, at first smooth with a large oil-drop, gradually becoming roughened, at maturity coarsely tuberculate, about 16 µ in diameter, hyaline; paraphyses clavate (pl. 57, f. 1–5).
On damp soil among moss in open places; type collected near Yonkers, New York.

Type NY 00915360 - lectotypus

Homotypic Octospora tuberculata (Seaver) Caillet & Moyne, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 96 (2): 185 (1980).

MycoBank 200496


Benkert D. 1987. Beiträge zur Taxonomie der Gattung Lamprospora (Pezizales). Zeitschrift für Mykologie, 53 (2): 195-271.
Benkert D., Brouwer E. 2004. New species of Octospora and some further remarkable bryoparasitic Pezizales from The Netherlands. Persoonia, 18 (3): 381-391.
Caillet M., Moyne G. 1980. Contribution à l'étude du genre Octospora Hedw. ex S.F.Gray emend Le Gal. Espèces à spores ornementées globuleuses ou subglobuleuses. Bulletin de la Société mycologique de France, 96 (2): 175-211.
Eckstein J., Eckstein G., Vega M. 2014. Bemerkenswerte Funde bryoparasitischer Pezizales (Ascomycota) aus Deutschland II. Boletus, 35 (1): 17-25.
Egertová Z., Eckstein J., Vega M. 2015. Lamprospora tuberculata, Octospora ithacaensis, O. orthotrichi and O. affinis – four bryoparasitic ascomycetes new to the Czech Republic. Czech Mycology, 67 (2): 119-133.
Engel H. 1984. Lamprospora tuberculata Seaver erstmals in Deutschland nachgewiesen. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pilze Mitteleuropas, 1: 179-182.
Seaver F.J. 1912. The genus Lamprospora, with descriptions of two new species. Mycologia, 4 (2): 43-48.
Wang Y.Z., Kimbrough J.W. 1992. Monographic Studies of North American species of Octospora previously ascribed to Lamprospora (Pezizales, Ascomycetes). Special Publication of the National Museum of Natural Science (Taiwan), 4: 1-68.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Lamprospora

Created on 19/04/2016.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


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