Coll. AH-56109 © J. Hernanz | | | | | |
Lamprospora thelespora Martínez-Gil, M. Vega & E. Rubio, Cryptog. Mycol., 42 (6): 105 (2021).
Basionym Lamprospora thelespora Martínez-Gil, M. Vega & E. Rubio, Cryptog. Mycol., 42 (6): 105 (2021).
Diagnosis Lamprospora thelespora sp. nov. differs from other species of Lamprospora by its ascospores with an ornamentation of ± elongated warts together with an infection on the rhizoids and stems of its host Cheilothela chloropus (Brid.) Broth.
Type MA-Fungi 90701 - holotypus
MycoBank 835295
Vega M., Janošík L., Eckstein J., Martínez-Gil R., Rubio E. 2021. Warts galore – on three new Lamprospora De Not. Species (Pezizales) from Southern Europe and Macaronesia and a type revision of three species described from the US by F. J. Seaver in the 1910s. Cryptogamie Mycologie, 42 (6): 91-119.
Classification: Pyronemataceae, Lamprospora
Created on 15/06/2021.
Updated on 14/08/2023.