Octospora gemmicola

Coll. RM2675
Coll. RM2675
© R. Martínez
Coll. RM2633
Coll. RM2633

Microcharacters 20 µm
© R. Martínez

Fig. 20, Cooke (1875)
Fig. 20, Cooke (1875)
Peziza laetirubra, iconotypus

Coll. MV20151108-1
Coll. MV20151108-1
© M. Vega

Lamprospora seaveri Benkert, Z. Mykol., 53 (2): 241 (1987).


Basionym Lamprospora seaveri Benkert, Z. Mykol., 53 (2): 241 (1987).

Diagnosis Apothecia 1-4 mm lata, margine evidenter membranaceo. Hymenium pallide aurantiacum vel auranticoflavum. Ectoexcipulum ex Textura globulosa (vel epidermoidea). Endoexcipulum ex Textura inflata. Margo ex Textura porrecta. Asci cylindracei, 200-320 × 17-22(25) µm, octospori. Sporae uniseriatae, globosae, (12)14-16(18) µm diam., gutta olearia magna ((9)10-12(14) µm diam.) praeditae. Ornamentum reticulum alveolatum typo Seaveri e costis 0,5-1 µm latis altisque, supra superficiem sporae saepe longe percurrentibus, saepe curvatis usque ad ansiformibus, irregulariter anastomosantibus, ad anastomoses plusminusque attenuatis. Maculae primariae relative magnore, saepe elongatae plusminusque curvatae, plerumque costis secundariis tenuibus directis septatae et (0,5)1-4 (8) µm diam. Paraphyses rectae, ad apices paulum incrassatae, 4-8 µm latae.
Hab.: Musci hospitales Ceratodon purpureus et Bryum spec.

Type B 70 0010018 - holotypus

Homotypic Octospora seaveri (Benkert) Yei Z. Wang, Spec. Publ. Nat. Mus. Natural Sci., 4: 48 (1992).

Peziza laetirubra Cooke, Grevillea, 3: 31 (1875); Lamprospora laetirubra (Cooke) Lagarde, Ann. Mycol., 4 (3): 213 (1906); Octospora laetirubra (Cooke) Caillet & Moyne, Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr., 96 (2): 190 (1980).

Lamprospora dictydiola Boud., Hist. class. Discom. Eur.: 68 (1907), s. Maas Geesteranus (1969).

MycoBank 132137

1) Peziza laetirubra Cooke is a nom. nov. based on Crouania cinnabarina Fuckel. The latter is a Pulvinula (see Pfister, 1976) different from the species illustrated by Cooke.


Benkert D. 1987. Beiträge zur Taxonomie der Gattung Lamprospora (Pezizales). Zeitschrift für Mykologie, 53 (2): 195-271.
Brouwer E. 1999. Mosschijfjes (Lamprospora en Octospora): voorkomen en verspreiding in Nederland. Coolia, 42 (1): 2-20.
Cooke M.C. 1875-1879. Mycographia, seu icones fungorum.
Eckstein J., Eckstein G. 2009. Bryoparasitische Pezizales (Ascomycetes) der Gattungen Lamprospora, Octospora und Neottiella im Alten Botanischen Garten von Göttingen. Herzogia, 22: 213-228.
Eckstein J., Vega M., Sochorová Z., Janošík L. 2022. Lamprospora benkertii sp. nov., and an evaluation of Lamprospora spp. with seaveri-type ascospore ornamentation. Mycotaxon, 136: 693-717.
Engel H., Hanff B. 1987. In Nordwestoberfranken und seinen angrenzenden Gebieten (Unterfranken) gefundene Arten der Gattungen Lamprospora De Notaris und Ramsbottomia W. D. Buckley emend. D. Benkert u. T. Schumacher. Die Pilzflora Nordwestoberfrankens, 11: 3-31.
Maas Geesteranus R.A. 1969. De fungi van Nederland. 2b. Pezizales – deel II (Ascobolaceae, Humariaceae, Pyronemataceae, Sarcoscyphaceae, Thelebolaceae). Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Natuurhistorische Vereniging, 80: 1-84.
Németh C. 2020. Bryophilous ascomycetes (Pezizales) in Hungarian cemeteries. Herzogia, 33: 319-339.
Pfister D.H. 1976. A Synopsis of the genus Pulvinula. Occasional papers of the Farlow Herbarium of cryptogamic botany, 9: 1-19.
Schumacher T. 1993. Studies in arctic and alpine Lamprospora species. Sydowia, 45 (2): 307-337.
Wang Y.Z., Kimbrough J.W. 1992. Monographic Studies of North American species of Octospora previously ascribed to Lamprospora (Pezizales, Ascomycetes). Special Publication of the National Museum of Natural Science (Taiwan), 4: 1-68.
Wieschollek D., Lindemann U. 2009. Wohnhaft Halde Hoheward. Lamprospora seaveri und Bryoscyphus dicrani - zwei moosliebende Discomyceten neu im Ruhrgebiet. Der Tintling, 2009 (2): 43-48.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Lamprospora

Created on 23/04/2016.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] Courchevel
Lac de la Rosière
27/08/2020, leg. M. Vega
Source: Ascomycete.org
[DE] Potsdam
23/11/1986, leg. D. Benkert
70 0010018 (B)
Source: Ascomycete.org
[DE] Appen
08/11/2015, leg. M. Vega
70 0100010 (B)
Source: Ascomycete.org
[ES] Entrena
16/02/2020, leg. R. Martínez
Source: Ascomycete.org
[ES] Ocón
13/12/2020, leg. R. Martínez
Source: Ascomycete.org
[FR] Bas-en-Basset
bord de la Loire
25/11/1993, leg. A. Charret
PR 1913 
Source: FMBDS/BD P. Roux
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