Thecotheus platyapiculatus

Coll. 2013-03-06
Coll. 2013-03-06
© P. Ribollet
Coll. SLL A.A. 19890118 (leg. Ayel)
Coll. SLL A.A. 19890118 (leg. Ayel)

Microcharacters 10 µm
© N. Van Vooren

Lamprospora pseudoarvensis M. Vega, Eckstein, Friebes & R. Tena,, 9 (5): 139 (2017).


Basionym Lamprospora pseudoarvensis M. Vega, Eckstein, Friebes & R. Tena,, 9 (5): 139 (2017).

Diagnosis Differs from other species of Lamprospora by its perfectly globose ascospores, 19–24 μm in diameter, ornamented with both a regular net and occasional stains or warts within the meshes together with an infection on the rhizoids of its host Pleuridium acuminatum.

Type HBG-024462 - holotypus

MycoBank 822693


Van Vooren N. 2017. Contribution à la connaissance des Pézizales (Ascomycota) en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes – 3e partie. Cahiers de la FMBDS, 5: 1-126.
Vega M., Eckstein J., Friebes G., Tena R., Gube M. 2017. Lamprospora pseudoarvensis sp. nov. (Pezizales) – a lookalike tracked down., 9 (5): 139-148.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Lamprospora

Created on 26/12/2017.

Updated on 07/08/2023.


Collections List

[FR] Poncins
18/01/1989, leg. A. Ayel
AA 19790118 (SLL)
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