Coll. MV20170214-21 © M. Vega |  Coll. MV20170214-21 © M. Vega | | | | |
Lamprospora densireticulata M. Vega, Janošík, Sochorová & Martínez-Gil, Mycol. Progr., 18 (8): 1014 (2019).
Basionym Lamprospora densireticulata M. Vega, Janošík, Sochorová & Martínez-Gil, Mycol. Progr., 18 (8): 1014 (2019).
Diagnosis Differs from other species of Lamprospora by its subglobose ascospores ornamented with an irregular fine and low areolate net together with an infection on the rhizoids of its host Aloina ambigua.
Type HBG 024591 - holotypus
MycoBank 829601
Vega M., Janošík L., Sochorová Z., Martínez-Gil R., Eckstein J. 2019. Lamprospora densireticulata sp. nov., L. dictydiola and L. carbonicola (Pyronemataceae, Pezizales)—three very similar species from very different hosts and habitats. Mycological Progress, 18: 1013-1026.
Classification: Pyronemataceae, Lamprospora
Created on 22/02/2021.
Updated on 14/08/2023.