Lamprospora bulbiformis

Coll. B 70 0100013
Coll. B 70 0100013
© M. Vega

Lamprospora bulbiformis M. Vega & Janošík, Cryptog. Mycol., 42 (6): 93 (2021).


Basionym Lamprospora bulbiformis M. Vega & Janošík, Cryptog. Mycol., 42 (6): 93 (2021).

Diagnosis Lamprospora bulbiformis sp. nov. differs from other species of Lamprospora by its ascospores with an ornamentation of coarse bulbous warts together with an infection on the rhizoids of Fissidens viridulus (Sw. ex anon.) Wahlenb.

Type B 70 0100012 - holotypus

MycoBank 835293


Vega M., Janošík L., Eckstein J., Martínez-Gil R., Rubio E. 2021. Warts galore – on three new Lamprospora De Not. Species (Pezizales) from Southern Europe and Macaronesia and a type revision of three species described from the US by F. J. Seaver in the 1910s. Cryptogamie Mycologie, 42 (6): 91-119.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Lamprospora

Created on 15/06/2021.

Updated on 14/08/2023.


Collections List

[PT] Funchal
Jardim Botânico da Madeira
17/12/2014, leg. M. Vega
70 0100012 (B)
[ES] Málaga
Camino del Jardín Botánico
03/01/2017, leg. M. Vega
70 0100013 (B)
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