Lamprospora aberrans

Coll. AH-56305
Coll. AH-56305
© S. Bernhardt

Lamprospora aberrans Sochorová, M.Vega, J.Hernanz & Eckstein, Herzogia, 36 (1): 212 (2023).


Basionym Lamprospora aberrans Sochorová, M.Vega, J.Hernanz & Eckstein, Herzogia, 36 (1): 212 (2023).

Diagnosis Differs from all known species of the genus Lamprospora by the presence of stiff, long, thick-walled hairs at the apothecial margin and receptacular surface.

Type AH-56305 - holotypus

MycoBank 847133


Sochorová Z., Vega M., Hernanz J., Eckstein J., Sochor M. 2023. Lamprospora aberrans sp. nov. (Pezizales) – the first species of Lamprospora with hairy apothecia. Herzogia, 36 (1): 206-221.

Classification: Pyronemataceae, Lamprospora

Created on 26/07/2023.

Updated on 16/08/2023.


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